Credits for Illustrations
All photographs in this volume, unless otherwise indicated,
have been taken by the author over the years. The courtesy and assistance offered to the author/photographer in this task by a number of different management bodies and individuals at various temples, particularly at Ranakpur and Dilwara, are gratefully acknowledged. Indeed, without their generosity, this work could not have been accomplished.
We are also much obliged to the following individuals and institutions for permission to use various illustrations, as indicated, as part of this volume:
Allahabad Museum
Nataraja, Kangra, 18th century A.D.
Bharatiya Kala Bhavan, Varanasi
Siva dancing, Kangra, 18th century A.D.
Kṛṣṇa and Radha in a lotus. Miniature, Basohli, early 18th century A.D.
Hiranyagarbha, The Golden Egg of Brahma, 18th century A.D., Kangra.
Berthe and John Ford Collection
Birth of Mahāvīra, Folio from Kalpasutra, Gujarat, 15th century A.D.
Chester and Davida Herwitz Family Collection
Pata with eight auspicious symbols, Gujarat, c. 1950-70 A.D.
Gursharan and Elvira Sidhu Collection
A jina in samavasaraṇa-the celestial assembly, Western India, c. 1575 A.D.
Indian Museum, Calcutta
The Naga Elapatra worshipping the Buddha, Sunga, 2nd century B.C.
Śiva's twilight dance, Kangra, 18th century A.D.
Jean-Claude Ciancimino Collection
Cosmic Being, Jain Book Cover, Gujarat, 18th century A.D.
Linden Museum, Stuttgart
Lokapurusha, Cosmic Man, Rajasthan, c. 1884 A.D.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
A Jain monk receiving a prince, Rajasthan, c. 1635-45 A.D. Adoration of a Jina, Andhra Pradesh, c. 1675-1700 A.D. Lustration of a Jina, Gujarat, c. 1800-25 A.D.