Book Title: Jain Spirit 2001 12 No 09
Author(s): Jain Spirit UK
Publisher: UK Young Jains

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Page 23
________________ Compiled by Prakash Mody NEWS IN BRIEF MAHAVIR'S TOUR California, USA: In the United States, as part of the awareness tour on the Mahavir's 2600th Janmakalyanak, the disciples of Anuvrat Anushasthan, Acharyashri Mahapragya, Saman Niyojak Shrutpragyaji and Sthitpragyaji gave lectures and meditation programs for about four months at various places. They visited the latest and now one of the best Jain temples of the West at Milpitas, San Francisco, CA. They also presented lectures at Sacramento, CA, Phoenix, Arizona and other places. At the Conscious Study Center of Tucson, Samanji spoke in English on the concept of consciousness based on Jain philosophy, non-violent Jain life and on anekantvada (multi-view). Everywhere the audience took great interest in the lectures which concluded with very interesting question-answer sessions. Samans conducted Preksha meditation workshops in which the local Indian community also participated. JAIN-CHRISTIAN DIALOGUE New Delhi, India: Anuvrat Bhawan and CBCI Commission for Ecumenism and Dialogue, jointly organised a seminar on "Jain-Christian Dialogue for the Promotion of Self-discipline and Non-violence" at Anuvrat Bhawan, New Delhi. The seminar had three objectives: to know more about the belief; about the system and the spirituality of both religious traditions and to establish inter-religious relationship and support for one another, while working for the promotion of inter-religious dialogue non-violence and service to humanity. VEGETARIAN RESTAURANTS BILL CLINTON AGREES WITH World Vegetarian Restaurants Listing: Ahimsa AHIMSA Foundation of India has compiled a list of Former President of the U.S, Bill Clinton vegetarian restaurants around the world along released two of Acharya Mahapragya's books with their addresses and telephone numbers, entitled Economics of Mahavir and Mahavir's for the benefit of international travellers Scripture for Health whilst on a visit in who wish to eat vegetarian food but find it Ahmedabad. Bill Clinton said that the welfare hard to find the right place. The list will be of mankind lay in the principles of ahimsa. He continuously updated from time to time was then presented with a written message depending on availability of information. The from Acharya Mahapragya which he accepted readers may provide similar information of and touched his eyes and forehead with it. He such restaurants. The list can be viewed from said that the message was an unforgettable part their website at of his trip to India. RALLY FOR COMPASSIONATE NATIONAL VEGETARIAN LIVING WEEK A rally was organised in London's Trafalgar The UK had a National Vegetarian week from Square on the 17th June to "shout for the 25 June to 1 July. A number of stars including animals" that fell victim to the foot and mouth Joanna Lumley, Moby, Pam Ferris and epidemic that swept the UK. The gathered Benjamin Zephaniah all supported the cause crowd were urged to shout "yes" to such by encouraging people to "Go Veggie". But at causes like "Do we want fundamental rights the forefront of the proceeding was ex-Beatle for animals? Do we oppose cruel experiments Paul McCartney who has been heavily on animal ? Do we oppose hunting?" A involved with Viva! Photographed by Mary, number of speakers addressed the crowd Paul's daughter, for Viva!'s National including Tony Wardle of Viva, Haridas of the Vegetarian Week, she said, "I wanted to be Hare Krishna Movement and Jenny Jones of involved with Viva!. It is such an essential the Green Party. Even Yuri Geller was present organisation as it helps educate people about at the rally and wowed the crowd by bending a the reality of the meat and livestock spoon on stage just by touching it. industries". ANCIENT TEMPLE ACHARYA MAHAPRAGYA'S UNEARTHED 82nd BIRTHDAY The 23 June 2001 was Acharya An excavation site in Vadnagar, Gujarat, has unearthed an ancient temple which is said Mahapragyaji's 82nd birthday. Over 125 people gathered at the JVB Meditation Centre to have housed Hindu and Jain gods. The in Houston, Texas to join in the celebrations. excavation in May this year revealed the 100ft The programme started at 10:30am with the by 100ft temple. Thirty years previous to the Namokar Mantra by Samani Akshaya excavation, in 1968, a local farmer had Pragyaji. A series of talks were then given stumbled upon two Jain idols near the site. The excavation is being carried out by local after an audience address by the Secretary of villagers and leaders from local Digambara the Centre Mr. Kirtibhai Mehta. and Shvetambara communities. It is believed INDIAN LEATHER EXPORTS that the temple can be dated back any time SUFFERS MAJOR SETBACK between 11-13th centuries and there are thought to be other temples in and around the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals area. Traditionally, Jain temples were built in (PETA) have reported that the Indian Leather groups of 24, 52 or 74. Industry has been given a huge blow after four Over forty Jain idols were carefully big US retail chains stopped purchasing leather preserved in sand near the foundation of the goods from India in protest to the mistreatment temple. It is thought that the villagers of that of animals. Casual Corner, LL Bean, period had buried the idols to protect them Timberland and Eddie Bauer have all stopped from the invasions that were prominent in that orders and have followed in the footsteps of global chains Gap, Liz Claibourne, J. Crew and Marks and Spencer. PETA have also been under-fire from the head of the Indian Animal Welfare lobby for paying little regard for the welfare of those who make a living from the industry. ANCIENT JAIN IDOLS STOLEN Karnataka, India: The Director of the Government Archeological Museum, Dr. Raghunath Bhatt disclosed to the press that Jain idols worth millions of Rupees in the international market were stolen on 13th August, at Dharwad in Karnataka. The 17th and 18th century idols include that of the Goddess Jwalamalini, Bahubali and also the idols of Tirthankaras in the Kayotsarg and Padmasan postures. to be time. STATUE RECOVERED BY POLICE A statue of Lord Mahavir, believed to be around 700 years old, has been recovered by police from a smuggler. The S.O.G and Gudamba Police foiled the thief who tried to smuggle the statue from Nepal to Sitapur. The statue weighs 7.5kg, is made from 60% gold and is thought to be worth around £150,000. December 2001 - February 2002. Jain Spirit 19 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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