Book Title: Jain Spirit 2001 12 No 09
Author(s): Jain Spirit UK
Publisher: UK Young Jains

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Page 50
________________ WORKPLACE SHARAYU, A WOMAN Shalaja Ganguly talks to Sharayu Daftary about the Jain influence on her business success OU CANNOT IGNORE OR DENY the fact that a man and a woman are like the twin wheels of life's carriage. That is why a husband and wife must nurture mutual respect and buffer each other at all times on their journey towards self-expression and fulfilment. For it MEEVAL AGARWAL is only in such secure and civilised 1981, Daftary has also earned the homes that an intellectually strong and distinction of being the first woman emotionally sound new generation can to be elected President of the be raised, and a bright future ensured Automotive Components Manufacturers for our values and our culture." Association in 1971, the first woman This is Sharayu Daftary - ace member of the executive committee of businesswoman, caring wife, proud FICCI (Federation of Indian mother of three accomplished Chambers of Commerce & Industry, daughters and a staunch practising New Delhi), and first lady Rotarian of Jain - speaking in her new avatar as a the Rotary Club in her area. In fact, committed editor of Jain Bodhak, an during her initial run at the IMC, she inspiring fortnightly was President elect of paraphrasing the way both its mainstream to live right, as per the "Rather than body and the Ladies' tenets of Jainism. In appointing Wing. this edit she is reacting She is also founder to Prime Minister quality-control and managing director Vajpayee's declaration inspectors. of Bharat Radiators of 2001 as the Ltd., an engineering and "Women's Rights always told my ancillary unit to the Year” and elucidating workers that I automobile industry how gender equality is which she established in had full faith in intrinsic to the Jain 1958, at age 25. She darma which grants them.” guided the fortunes of a woman as much her company with a dignity, freedom of thought and business acumen and opportunity, as a man. humane approach that could teach a A lightning-swift mind, a wide thing or two to hothouse trained canvas of interests and achievements, MBAs, whose focus on upward ideas as crisp as the delicately mobility often makes them lose sight embroidered cottons she prefers, a of the shop-floor where the success tremendous capacity for absorbing story actually begins. information and learning, and a work “For 32 years we had no strike, no ethic that is defined by "need not go-slow and no loss of manpower." greed" has enabled this spunky inher- Now this is a record achievement for a itor of the Walchand family to go far helmswoman with a BA degree, who in a male-dominated arena with many worked on the machines in a sari (oh "firsts" to her credit. yes!) and evolved her own play-to-win Currently injecting her special strategy with some credit to Peter spark of womanpower in her second Drucker, who asserts that the best innings as President of the Indian manager is one who can get everyMerchants Chamber (IMC), where thing done through worthy delegates. she had the honour of becoming the "I really believe in that. Rather first elected President way back in than appointing quality-control Sharayu Daftary 46 Jain Spirit · December 2001 - February 2002 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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