Book Title: Jain Spirit 2001 12 No 09
Author(s): Jain Spirit UK
Publisher: UK Young Jains

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Page 45
________________ YOUTH Wisdom Lies Within - Reana Shah Confesses... And Celebrates Dear Michelle: Reana Confesses.. and Celebrates A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY... Now a party for your best and most loyal friend. One that if allowed will never leave you. Never go against your best interest. Never turn in the inderest of your enemies. Walk with her and listen, talk to her and sense where she is | A Jain by birth, Reana was not a Jain by action. coming from, cry with her and determine the source of her tears, She wrote to PETA about her transformation Inquire as to her goals, to her fears, to her joys. For earlier you WAS TEN YEARS OLD WHEN AT A were her. For the ultimate truth is JAINA Convention I first came to hear about your wonderful to know the original and very real organisation and remarkable self, the you born free steeped in work. Reading more about your own creativity and in your PETA (People for the unique potentials for life. Ethical Treatment of The inner-Self does not Animals) really inspired surrender nor exchange nor give me to do my part to help the environment and away - it is loyal to itself for its save the animals. entire life. I wasn't a vegetariThe outer-self is subject to the an at the time I came to agenda of the society. We are know about PETA. I was educated, conditioned, cleansed, raised eating meat, and the thought of living withrewarded, judged, acknowledged, out it seemed impossible to validated, punished. And it is me. What was I supposed to this self that must give away so put in a Gordita!? All my Jain much of its pure essence for the friends and relatives were vegetarian illusion of power, position and since birth and were constantly validation. annoying me with “Eww! How can you eat meat? It is so gross!" To know the two Michelles is to my mind. They grew up on the Fiji A few months later, I was cleaning Islands and lived on chicken, beef and know the very secret of life itset my room (a highly hazardous task) an abundance of sea creatures. The Without this duel knowing life is when I came across some of the thought of living on just vegetables was hobbled totally off balance. 7 Convention material. I found the PETA right up there with the thought of is little or no harmony, there information and gave it a careful look. starvation. Despite that, I still continued cannot be completeness. After talking with a close vegetarian on my journey to become a vegetarian. friend of mine, reading all your The 30 June 2001 will mark Life is much of a compromise. informative material and consulting my my one-and-a-half year vegetarian The dance between the inner and parents, I decided to give being a "anniversary". When I think about what outer self is the only true path. vegetarian a one-week trial. Before I a long road it has been, I can't thank knew it, a one-week trial turned into a you enough for your support and Your loving Grandpa month, which soon became a year. My encouragement through your Vegetarian Robert Radin writes to his grand father and his family were so proud of Starter Kit and online information. I daughter Michelle on her 17th birthday, me! My mother and her family, on the couldn't have done it without you. I am reminding her to communicate with her other hand, thought I was going out of proud to say that I have also directed a inner spirit Om December 2001 - February 2002. Jain Spirit 41 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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