Book Title: Jain Ramayan
Author(s): Gunratnasuri
Publisher: Jingun Aradhak Trust

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Page 16
________________ and Māsaksamana (2, 3 and 30 days fast continuously) and thus reduced his karmas to ashes. His soul gradually became purer and purer. Finally, he ended all his ghati karmas and acquired the Kevalagyāna (Omniscience). The young sage Anantaratha too followed his father's foot prints and made tremendous progress in the spiritual field. isting karmas. The good deeds reduce the weight of this bundle and evil deeds makes it heavier. The cycle of birth, death and rebirth goes on and on. It just keeps adding to our karmas. A seeker who desires to break this bondage, embraces ascetic life and thus escapes from this vicious circle. Very few virtuous souls realize the meaninglessness of life and a fewer people endeavour to escape from this eternal slavery of karma. Therefore, one must not hesitate while accepting dikşa. Many infants lose their parents at a very tender age. Don't they grow up after this cruel blow of destiny ? They do grow up and live a normal life. Infant Daśaratha too grew up into a very fine youth. The most surprising thing however is, there wasn't any internal or external revolt while the child king ruled. King Dasaratha was a noble soul. As a result of his virtuous deeds, he acquired traits like unparallel valour, courage and presence of mind. There was not even a single instance of internal or external revolt against this child king. Inspite of enjoying the supreme authority, King Dasaratha was compassionate towards the poor and downtrodden people. No one who came to him to seek alms ever returned empty handed. Like the eleventh Kalpavrksa-a wish fulfilling tree, he spread happiness and content everywhere. He followed his duties as a ruler and a spiritual seeker diligently and maintained a perfect balance between the two. Young rulers often forget their duties in the ratrace for power. Their crooked actions and manipulations lead to the total destruction of body and soul. Such people live a pitiable life on the earth and reach the lowest and the darkest realms after their death. The action of King Anaranya proves that our ancient rulers were never attached to the throne. They considered administration to be their divine obligation and therefore they never hesitated when it was time to vacate the throne. The message from Muni Sahasramśu inspired King Anaranya to give up the throne and seek the salavtion with his son. He soon forgot the pleasures and luxuries of the palace and soon became indifferent towards his corporal self. He practiced rigorous fasts like Chatta, Aththama King Dasaratha marries On reaching puberty; King Dasaratha tied nup- manner, a man enjoys Kama, and as a seeker, he tial knots with three young princesses who had im- begins his journey towards Moksa, the final stage peccable family backgrounds. His first consort was that brings the rotating wheel of life and death to a Aparajita alias Kausalya. She was the progeny of King standstill. The young, handsome and energetic Sukošala, the ruler of Darbhasthalanagara and Queen Dasaratha never neglected his duties and obligations Amrtaprabha. The second was Sumitrā, offspring of while enjoying his marital life. The contemporary man King Subandhutilaka of Kamalasamkula and Queen is a slave of the sensual pleasures. He conviniently Mitradevi, the third was Suprabhā, the daughter of forgets the duties and obligations connected with the emperor of Rathanupura. matrimony and persues the sensual pleasures re lentlessly. Thus, he not only forgets the Dharma but Inspite of marrying three most beautiful also becomes it's bitter foe. Samyakdrsti persons women, King Dasaratha never ignored his duties as maintain a proper equilibrium in any situation and aca king and as a soul, desirous of liberation. Our In cepts the life as it comes. He is aware that certain dian sages have prescribed four essentials for a man deeds in his previous life make him enjoy the senviz. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Mokşa. The utter most sual pleasures, but he makes sure that this does essential is Moksa itself and Dharma is it's cause. not in anyway harm the first two of his duties i.e. The other two Artha and Kama are essentials of name dharma and mokşa. Those who forget dharma and sake, but inviting disaster's in the real sense. Through mokşa, and only run away after the ephimeral pleasdaily worship, penance and service of ascetics, a ures, are universally hated while they are alive and man acquires Dharma. Through persistant hardwork reach the lowest depths of the hell after they die. and perseverance a man acquires Artha. Through The Samyakdrsti souls may not altogether sacrifice enjoying the corporal pleasures in a right and ethical or Personal & Private Use Only


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