Lakşmana's duel with Rāvana
Next morning, Rāvana witnessed many ominous signs that foretold a grim future for him, yet he entered the battlefield. Laksmana who was eagerly awaiting for his arrival, attacked him with vengeance. Laksmana's brilliant archery filled Ravana's heart with awe and shock. At this critical moment, he pleaded Bahurupini vidya to rush for his help. At once, innumerable Rāvanas came rushing to Laksmana, wielding their weapons from east, west, north, South above and below. Lakşmana mounted the eagle and flew all over the battlefield, defending himself and counterattacking Rāvana. He incessantly showered arrows at Ravana. Seeing his valiant and indomitable spirit, Ravana's heart was filled with despair and despondency. Finally, he folded his hands and concentrated his mind on the Sudarsana disc, the emblem of Prativasudeva. Next moment, the great disc was in his hands. Ravana spinned the disc in order to give it a momentum and directed it towards Laksmana. The disc circumambulated reverently around Laksmana and rested in his right hand. Lakşmana was a Vasudeva and therefore, the disc coudn't hurt him. Ravana now remembered the words of the seer. Bibhişana, once again approached him and pleaded, "Brother it is still not too late. Please promise Rama that you will release Sita now!". Ravana shouted angrily, "Go away you traitor, so what if the Sudarśana cakra fails ? I can still, with a mighty punch, kill Laksmana and win the war." Laksmana spinned the disc and hurled it at Rāvana. The disc, with a fierce sound, hit Ravana and dismembered his chest. Like a huge tree, axed by a woodcutter, Ravana fell on the earth and breathed his last. There was an uproar of victory in Rama's army. The dieties, from their lofty abodes, showered flowers on Laksmana. Ravana's soul left the body and reached the fourth hell.
LIP SONI. 8/19
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