Book Title: Jain Ramayan
Author(s): Gunratnasuri
Publisher: Jingun Aradhak Trust

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________________ 115 Appendix-4 The previous births of Jaţāyu King Dandaka ruled kumbhakarakața nagar situated in Bharata kşetra. He was married to Princess Purandarayaśā, the daughter of King Jitasatru, who ruled Sravastinagari. King Jitasatru had a son, named to quickly atone and cleanse the karmas, which takes Prince Skandhakumara. Once, Palaka, the chief minis- ages of austerities to be cleansed. This painful death ter of the King Dandaka, came to Sravasti to visit the will minimise your karmas." Thus, four hundred and court of King Jitaśatru. A scholarly debate was on, in ninetynine of the disciples achieved the Kevalagyāna the court of Sravasti. Young prince Skandhakumara de- while they were being squeezed into pulp and achieved feated the seasoned chief minister Palaka in the de- salvation bate. Palaka felt humiliated and decided to take a revenge. Young Skandhakumara decided to be a monk, The last disciple was a young boy, while he was when he realised how the karmas entangle a soul in being dragged on to the machine; the acāryadeva eartheir clasp, for ages and ages. He and five hundred nestly pleaded to Palaka!, "I cannot endure the sight other princes were initiated into the monkhood by of this boy's meeting his end painfully. Pray, squeeze Munisuvratasvami. After extensive scholarly pursuits me into pulp first, you may do whatever you desire to and penance, he was felicitated by the title of Acarya. this young muni, once I am dead." Palaka said, "So He became famous as Acarya Khandhakasuriśvaraji. you are the one who preaches detachment? You love this young disciple so much that your heart will bleed Once, after obtaining a consent from his men- when you witness him being minced gradually. The tor, Acarya Khandhakasuriśvaraji left for boy shall be killed in your presence." The young muni Kumbhakarakatanagara, to preach his sister too obtained the kevalagyana while being crushed and Purandarayasa. He desired to explain the transitory achieved salvation, but the acarya who was emotionnature of the world to his sister, so that she could take ally tormented thought to himself "I have sincerely pracsteps to achieve renunciation. He was accompanied tised my austerities and, if I have unfalteringly followed by five hundred of his disciples. When the chief minis- my academic pursuits then, may I be conferred with ter Palaka heard about the acarya's arrival, he decided an opportunity to revenge Dandaka and Palaka with to avenge his defeat, for he had been nurturing a their entire clan and nation." He was squeezed into grudge against the acarya for years. He secretly burried pulp and was reborn as a diety named Vahnikumāra. many weapons in the garden on the outskirts. Visiting Vahni in Sanskrta means fire. different places, Acaryasri arrived at Kumbhakarakatanagara and stayed in the garden near The ācārya's 'Rajoharana' was stained with the percints of the kingdom. King Dandaka his digni blood. A kite thought it to be a huge chunk of meat taries and citizens visited him. When they heard the and grabbed it into its talons. While he was flying high, sermon of the acarya, they were spellbound. his grip on the Rajoharana was weakened and it fell in the courtyard of the acārya's sister. Purandarayaśā lifted King Dandaka returned to the palace and was it and identified it as the same Rajoharana, which she resting in solitude. Taking advantage of this, the had gifted to her brother Acarya Khandhaka surisvarji. crooked minister entered his chamber and said, She began to sob uncontrolably. Devi Naradatta- the "Your Majesty, I am your humble slave and pray Sasanadevi of Lord Munisuvrat Svāmi, lifted her tenfor your well being. I am here to warn you that the derly and brought her to the Lord. Her boundless sorman who is masquearading as a monk is in fact a rows turned into tranquility at the mere sight of the hypocrite. He is tired of the austerities and de- Lord. She then embraced the ascetic life. sires to embrace the material world. He is here to dethrone you. His five hundred disciples are in The diety Vahnikumara, who in his past birth was fact trained warriors and each one is as powerful Acārya Khandhaka sūrisvarji, set ablaze the King as thousand warriors. They have dug trenches in Dandaka and the chief minister Palaka alongwith their the gardens and hidden a lot of weapons in them. entire clan and entire nation in order to avenge the Pray, dispatch your sentries to the garden to re death of the five hundred munis. Since then, that area cover the concealed weapons. The king was enraged, became famous as Dandakaranya. The chief minister when his sentries returned with the hidden weapons. Palaka went to seventh hell after his death. King The king said, "You really are my most trusted and Dandaka was reborn in thousands of species, living a worthy minister. Now that you have unearthed the se painful life and more painful death. Finally, he was born cret plan of these imposters, I hand them over to you. as a vulture, inflicted with diseases. His name was Do with them as you please." Gandha. The sight of Muni Sugupta reminded him of his past births. Muni Sugupta was gifted with When the cruel minister heard this, he was over- Sparsalabdhi- a power of soul by which anyone bejoyed. He ordered the blacksmiths to make a huge comes disease-free, by a mere touch. When the vulmachine for crushing humans. He then put the dis- ture touched him, it was healed. His wings received a ciples of the worthy acārya in the machine, one after golden hue. His beak became radiant like a coral and another. The serene and unruffled acārya asked each his feet glew with the bright red effulgence of one of them to perform "Niryamana"- the final devo- Padmaraga. His body glittered like precious gems and tion. He said, "Palaka is not your foe, but a true brother he developed a crest that resembled a tuft, therefore and a wellwisher; for he is giving you an opportunity he became famous as Jatayu. Jain Education International For Personal & Private Use Only


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