Book Title: Jain Digest 2003 09 Vol 22 No 3
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ HEADQUARTERS NEWS.... Minutes of Annual Director Meeting Cincinnati Convention Center July 04, 2003 An Annual Director Meeting was held on 5. Report from Various subcommittees: Leadership: It was felt by many that there July 04, 2003 at Cincinnati Convention Only the following committees had turned was a lack of long term planning and lack Center. in their reports: Calendar committee, Govt. of leadership. Executive Committee Members: and International Organizations Relations, Funding: It was very obvious from the Dr. Bipin Parikh, Anop Vora, Kirit C. Jain Digest membership, Publication, treasurers report that children (JAINA Education, Media Watch/Public Relations, committees) were richer than the parents. Daftary, Dr. Mahendra Pandya, Sushil Jain, Udai Jain, Mahendra Mehta, Teerthodhar committee, V. R. Gandhi Committee had lots of funds but JAINA Scholarship, Wheel of Hope, YJA, Temple General funds did not have enough to even JAINA directors: Guideline committee. Due to the lack of run for six months. There needs to be Dr. Dhiraj Shah, Dr. Manibhai Mehta, Dr. time, reports from these committees were annual fund raising events. JAINA is not Manoj Dharmasi, Dr. Mukesh Doshi, Dr. handed out to directors and guests. registered in Canada as non-profit Mamta Shaha, Dr. Harshad Mehta, Dr. 6. Elections of Executive Committee for organization. There could be more funds Narendra Shah, Dilip Shah, Ramesh Shah, 2003-2005. Results: Two positions were coming from Canadians if they could Arhant Jain, Naresh Jain, Jagmohan being contested: one for First Vice realize same tax benefits as American Humar, Bipin Shah, Shantilal Mohont, President: Kirit C Daftary and Dilip Shah. donors. JAINA should raise the Jaswant Shah, Niranjan Modi, Keerti and the other for Midwest Regional Vice administrative fee to sub committees from Shah, Samprti Shah, Rohak Vora, Jit President: Keerti Shah and Jaswant Shah. 3% to 5% to build up funding for JAINA's Turkhia, Mit Turkhia, Suchita Shah, Ram 20 administrative fund. Some suggested that Election officers announced that 79 Gada, Ashok Desai, Urmila Shah, Pravin directors had voted by mail in ballots out we should pull out money from the Mehta, Atul Khara, Usha Maru, Arvind of 86 directors. Dr. Vinay Jain and Mr. subcommittee and put them in the general Mehta, Pramodaben Chitrabhanu Prem Jain from the Election committee funds. Executive committee than should Guests: Prem Jain, Asha Jain, Harendra counted mailed in ballots by JAINA decide as to which project gets funded and Shah, Hansa Shah, Sarla D Shah, Rajeev directors. Dr. Vinay Jain announced by what amount. Few felt that JAINA Pandya, Kamlesh Shah, Dr. Mahesh Shah executive committee for 2003-2005 term: directors should become life members of 1. Meeting started with Navkar Mantra. Mr. Anop Vora, President; Kirit C. Daftary, Jain Digest. Currently only 60% of directors are life members of Jain Digest. 2. Minutes of May meeting held at the First Vice President; Dr. Sushil Jain, Some suggested that we should add $5 per Cincinnati Dayton Center, which were Secretary; Jit Turkhia, Treasurer. Regional convention registration to build up Jain published in Jain Digest, were approved Vice Presidents were as follows: Keerti Shah, MW; Dr. Sumti Shah, NE; Pravin by the executive committee. Digest fund. Patron Program: We need to restore the 3. President's report: He was pleased Shah, South; Udai Jain, SW; Rohak Vora, West; Lata Champsee, Canada and past patron program for fund raising. To start with the turnout at the convention and out all directors of JAINA should become finances would be running as expected president Dr. Bipin Parekh patron members at the very least and then Cincinnati Dayton Sangh had done a Many Directors and guests had they should try to recruit JAINA patrons. wonderful job of staying within the budget. some concerns, which were as follows: Others: JAINA needs to develop local He had great hopes from the next Communications: There is a lack of scholars. JAINA needs to actively work administration about Sadharmik Bhavan. communication between JAINA and the on developing, building or guiding a senior 4. Treasurers' report. This report showed local centers. JAINA officials should go citizen community project for our aging that as at of 12/31/2002 it had $20,567 in out to Jain centers around the country and population. Bipinbhai thanked all the JAINA General Funds. Total other amounts meet with the local Sanghs to find out what directors and executive committee for their belonging to various committees amounted JAINA can do for them. Need to have a cooperation, and wished the best for the to $494,777. The summary of financial JAINA day on a regular basis at each new incoming executive committee. report is always available at JAINA center. Regional Vice Presidents should Meeting was concluded with Khamemi attend this JAINA day to bring awareness headquarter, with the most current one Save Jiva. of JAINA achievements. printed in latest issue of Jain Digest. by: Kirit C. Daftary, Secretary 41 JAIN DIGEST. Fall 2003 Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only


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