Book Title: Jain Digest 2003 09 Vol 22 No 3
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 42
________________ The Miracle of FASTING By Ramesh Shah, Cleveland Jains have practiced Fasting more as a spiritual exercise dur. During "Satyagraha Movement of India, Gandhiji used the fasting entire year but specifically during "Paryushan Parva". Jain Spiriting as a motivational and coercive weapon to calm down the riots in the June issue stated: Mahasati Mohanmalaji fasted for 210 days between Hindus & Moslems and cool down the passion of huge ending on January 6, 2002. She also fasted in the past for 311 days in mass. 1996-97. Jain Digest-Fall 2002 had an article on Hira Ratan Manek Spiritual Benefits: Fasting is a religious rite in all religions: who on water alone fasted for 411 days. He fasted for 130 days Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and during his USA tour. others. The Bible alone has 74 references in the book. Jain and Let us examine various benefits and also practices of other Hindu scriptures are loaded with examples of regular fasts espereligions on this subject. cially of Lord Mahavira and other spiritual leaders. Health Benefits: Fasting is some sort of dieting. It is the quick Jesus Christ did fast 30 days whenever He needed to meditate est way of loosing weight and to get physical body in the shape. and asked for directions from God. It helps the person to disciDuring busy life that industrialized societies are living, it gives the pline his/her mind and soul and let him/her exercise more control body a physiological rest. Physicians use fasting as a treatment in over him/herself. Because he/she is giving up worldly pleasures, many physical illness. It has been proven that it does lower choles- he/she is more closer to his/her soul. Jerry Falwell did 40 days fast terol and blood pressure levels. It has been regularly used to un- and then 20 days in 108 days period to save his Liberty University cover the sources of food allergies. from closing down. Is it proper to fast for a materialistic goal? It also improves the dietary habits and increases the eating Jains do NOT believe so; they believe the intent and purpose should pleasure. It helps to regulate your intake and regulate what, how be spiritual: to cleanse the body, mind and spirit. Some of the much and when to eat. In Ayurvedic medicine, it has been used western preachers do preach to accomplish some worldly goals. successfully as a method of curing certain illness. Mahatma Gandhi fasted for 21 days so many times to establish peace and love amongst Hindus and Moslems. Lot of Moslems do The famous Dutch physician Dr. Felix Oswald had said in fast from Sunrise to Sunset during Ramadan. USA that, "Only a fool will ignore the natural method of fasting during fever, pain, obstruction in the stomach and bowels move Lord Mahavira fasted for five months and 20 days on water ment or indigestion... the sure remedy for such ailments accord- alone. Also he fasted so many other times for a shorter duration. ing to naturopathy." No wonder fasting is getting more acceptance and popularity In the book "Fasting-A Unique Remedy for A Hundred Ail nique Remedy for A Hundred Ail- even in the materialistic western societies as well. Even our America ments” Dr. Gala recommends fasting as a born Indian children and youth are fasting at various Jain centers around North America. That's a great encouraging phenomenon! scientific methodology in lots of serious sickness and chronic diseases under doctor's supervision. In that book, he also describes The word 'Fasting' has originated from "Fasten' which means his own true life experience treating a patient with Asthma, Deaf to attach or anchor firmly and securely. Thus fasting implies fast ness and enlarged Prostate gland with fasting as a methodology resolve to undertake, under certain conditions or situations. Jains and accomplishing remarkable results of curing do take 'Pachaakhan' from a spiritual leader to reaffirm their re solve and as a solemn resolve. Fasting is a science as well as an art. Most important it helps the body to get rid of lot of toxins, giving the internal system a 'shower and cleansing. After fasting Do you know that animals do have to fast, when they fall sick or injured? This is the ONLY remedy they have; and they do recover you will be rejuvenated and reenergize. It is a myth that it deprives and become healthy again the body of essential nutrients; on the contrary it helps to balance the system. For smokers, druggists & alcoholics, it can help them to reduce addictions and eventually eliminate the habits if they desire. Mental Benefits: Fasting is a very calming experience of- Ref: ten relieving mental tensions and insomnia. It helps to reduce an- 1. The Miracle of Fasting by Paul & Patricia Bragg, N.D. Ph.D. ger, frustrations, sex drive, fatigue, and greed. In turn, it helps to 2.Hira Ratan Manek(HRM), Jain Digest - Fall 2002, pg. 18 increase patience, lowers fatigue level and helps to improve social 3. Fasting. A Unique Remedy for A hundred Ailments- by Dr. Gala, inter actions and inter personal relationships. It has been used very Translated in English by R. M. Mehta successfully in treating schizophrenia and other mental illness. 4. Fasting can Save Your Life by Dr. Herbert Shelton 401 JAIN DIGEST. Fall 2003 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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