According to Jain Cosmography our present India is plishments. Jains have written Mahakavyas, Kavyas, dutakavyas, known as Bharatakhand, situated in the Jambudvipa. It is known samasyapuraka-kavyas, dvisamdhana and saptasamdhanakavyas, and designated as Bharatakhand after the name of Bharata, the puranas, grammear, works on rhetorics, kathas, akhyayikas, drason of Lord Rsabhadeva, the first Tirthankara out of the twenty- mas, caritas, prabandhagranthas, scientific literature on astronomy, four Tirthankaras of this "Avasarpini", a long acon of time. The astrology, commentaries on Sanskrit works etc. Jainas have divided time i.e. the Kalacakra into two main parts
The Jains have written in all the principal languages of India. known as 'Utsarpini' and ;Avasarpini'. Each of these is divided
They have written in Sanskrit, Prakrit, Apabhramsa. Jains have into six aras', corresponding to the spokes of a wheel. The first
erist not lagged behind in art, architecture, sculpture, painting etc. The Tirthankara, Lord Rsabhadeva taught to the then living humanity
nanity beautiful and world famous temples on Mount Abu, Acalgadha, the three Rs. i.e. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic besides 'Brahmi'
Sammetsikhara, Satrunjaya, Girnar are enough to show the paand other 'lipis' to the human world. Thus the seeds couture and
tronage and enthusiasm given to art and sculpture. Even among civilization were sown for the future generations of the humanity.
lay men we have such historical personalities like Jagadushah, Jainism is a very old religion according to the Jainas. Lord
Vastupala and Tejpal and in our modern times Jain monks like Mahavira was a historical being, so was Lord Parsva and Lord
Vijayavallabhsuri, Agamoddharak Sagaranandsuri, Muni Neminatha, the 22nd Tirthankara of the Jainas. Lord Neminatha
Kasturviajayaji, Bhunuvijayaji, etc. and philanthropic Sheth Sri is said to be related to and contemporary of Lord Krishna Vasudeva
rary of Lord Krishna Vasudeva Kasturbhai Lalbhai. of the Hindus. Taking Lord Rsabhadeva as the first Tirthankara and the time that has lapsed between these Tirthankaras as is given
Jainism is noted for activism. Its monks and nuns are ever in the Sacred literature of the Jainas. Jainism enjoys a hoary antiq
vigilant and active. Buddhism that was born in India was propauity. There is reference to Jainism and its Tirthankara in the
gated and promulgated outside India has been almost driven out Bhagavata Purana of the Hindus. Not quarreling over its antiq. from India; whereas Jainism has remained to this day in India or uity, we can safely surmise that the sacred land of Bharata is sanc- account of its Anekantavada, Ahimsa, and strict rules of conduct tified and purified by the trinity of three rivers in the form of both for monks, nuns and layman. Singing the past glory cannot Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. These three great religions of be useful to us. The question that should haunt our mind is the India have gone a long way in bringing about a cultural synthesis roll of Jainism in our modern times. What can be its contribution and have established and developed and shaped Indian Culture in the development of India, culturally, socially, economically and and Civilization. The cultural, social, economic and educational spiritually. under-currents of these three streams have so undistinguishable The world of to-day has not remained isolated. The world merged with one another that it is next to impossible to pin point has become much more complex as well as narrow in its geographione or many things that has been solely contributed by one cur- cal sense. One cannot show apathy to any event that may happen rent only. The unison of these under currents is indivisible. Each at a place thousands of miles away. It is bound to take effect soone ultimately aim at ‘moksa', absolution or Nirvana. Call it by cially and economically. The food habits, the way of dressing in any name it aims at the same goal.
both men and women, the cinemas, the T.V., the press etc. are The pristine purity and spiritual attainment of Jainism
slowly, succinctly and imperceptibly mold the life of people in is indisputable. Right up from the early records of ancient history
society. Let us take an example. The modern dress of ladies. One
Society. Let us take an example. The and antiquity the glorious might and contribution of Jainism is has to change the orthodox mode of thinking and accept this with beyond dispute. Jainism and therein can be included Jain monks,
standards of decency in view of its usefulness, utility and urgency religious pontiffs, lay-men and women too who have added to as it helps fast walking, climbing, running etc. Similarly taking preserve and sustain Indian Culture. Kings like Kumarapala and
food before Sun-set. Even though one wished in a city of Bombay Kharvel made Jainism a state religion. Personalities like Siddharaja
for men and women in service it is not feasible on account of patronized Jainism and gave impetus to literature, art, sculpture,
sculpture, distance. According to the Hindus the present aeon is Kaliyuga painting, music etc. Even the Muslim monarch Akbar listened to
and according to Jainism it is the fourth ara of the avasarpini. Jain pontiffs and encouraged Jainism in developing Indian cul
Things are bound to shape in this way willy hilly. What I want to ture. Jain Saints like Haribhadra Suri and Kalikala Sarvajna
derive from these stray examples is that religion has to evolve difHemachandracharya are too well-known for their literary accom- ferent norms otherwise the younger generation will go away from
JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 / 11
Jain Education Interational 2010_03
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