F1003: Alliance invited for beautiful fair AF391: Jain family in UK invite proposals M990: Gujarati parents invite responses for talented caring vegetarian US born, raised from professional boys, for beautiful handsome fair talented vegetarian son, born in India Gujarati girl, July 77, 5'4", BS attractive vegetarian virtuous daughter, born Dec 70, 5'8", MBA (Fin), well positioned (math) MS (comp sc) well positioned with Dec 72, 5'6", MS, active in family business with Intl. Co., from educated, cultured girls. reputed co., from cultured professional Jain in London, UK & willing to settle in USA. 732/819-9366.email:spcc402@yahoo.com boys. Call:847/472-9050/ 860/432-2877. Call: 44(0) 208 458 9393. Email:
M855: Gujarati parents invite proposals AF336: Alliance invited from professional jainex@europe.com
with biodata / photo for handsome bright boys, for beautiful charming, accomplished
AF393: Jain parents invite proposals with vegetarian Gujarati girl, born Oct 72,54",
vegetarian son, born Feb 77, 5'8", 160 lb, biodata / photo for beautiful vibrant slim MBA (usa), ACCA (uk), working as BS, well positioned as graphic designer /
vegetarian US born daughter, Sept 75, 5'6", Accounting Manager with software programmer at Bombay & willing
large 120 lb, MD, First year fellowship 2003, to settle in USA. (Divorced - two months
organization, from cultured educated family intermittent married life). Call: 408/226
from vegetarian/ non-smoking professional oriented pretty girls. Call: 909/789-9817. 4135. Email: niral_s@hotmail.com boys. Email: tghgsg@yahoo.com
Email: rajesh@marketbroiler.com AF382: Jain parents invite proposals with AF394: Alliance invited from professional
M864: Gujarati parents invite responses for Photo / biodata for beautiful fair slim vegetarian boys for beautiful talented
very handsome fair brilliant vegetarian charming caring vegetarian US born dtr, virtuous vegetarian Gujarati girl, born Sept
vivacious US born son, Oct 76, 5'11", 140 Jan 77,5'4", 115 lb, Medical Student (MD 78,5'5", C. A. well positioned in India and
Ib, BS (civil engg), well employed as Project 2004), from cultured handsome out-going willing to settle in USA. Call: 419/283
Manager, from cultured educated pretty well-educated professional Gujarati / Jain 2271. Email: doshihemali@hotmail.com
girls. Call: 334/283-5340. Email: boys. Email: paramount89@yahoo.com
gosaliajay@hotmail.com AF387: Proposals invited by parents
M883: Correspondence invited for US (Industrialist in India) from professional boys, for attractive slim fair daughter, born
born Gujarati boy, Nov 73, 62", 175 lb, Jan 77,5'6", MBA, MS (comp sc), currently
MS and MBA from top schools, very in India & willing to settle in USA.
M472: Gujarati parents invite responses for handsome, highly successful in Silicon (Divorced. 3 month's brief marriage). Call:
handsome vegetarian amiable successful Valley, and author of two books, from 937/885-1857/npreras_2003@yahoo.co.in
talented US raised son, born Sept 71, 5'7", highly educated, attractive girls. Call: 510/
160 lb, MS (ME), well employed, divorcee 209-8885. Email: headley 100@yahoo.com AF388: Gujarati parents invite proposals for
(very brief marriage), from caring, cultured beautiful charming vegetarian, US raised
girls. call 516/334-8196 or 516/902-3755. M954: Alliance invited by Gujarati family daughter, born June 77, 5'2", 108, 3 Year
for good-looking outgoing intelligent son, Medical student, from well educated M720: Gujarati parents invite proposals born Oct 27, 5'8", 165 lb, BS in Physician professional boys. Call: 727/447-5121. from cultured, educated girls for handsome Assistant, practicing with prestigious New Email: kirit1947@yahoo.com
fair intelligent vegetarian son, born July 76, York City Hospital, from cultured educated
5'11", BS (comp sc), well employed with AF389: Proposals invited by Jain parents
girls. Call: 718/962-1069. Email: software co., Call: 804/272-0323. Email: nehali kiran@yahoo com for pretty talented caring vegetarian US born daughter, July 78, 5'2", 100 lb, 3rd Year kamani@comcast.net
M985: Alliance invited for good looking Medical student, from well educated
M772: Jain parents (Intl business family) professional boys. Call: 407/876-4444.
amiable vegetarian Gujarati male, born Aug invite responses for swiss born / citizen Email: jainemergicare@aol.com
62, 5'5", 135 lb, BS (Pharmacy), well handsome vegetarian nonsmoker
employed as Regd. Pharmacist, divorcee AF390: Gujarati parents invite responses for nondrinker talented son, March 74, 5'10",
with two kids, from suitable caring beautiful cultured caring vegetarian CFA, MBA, well positioned with Citibank
compassionate match. Call: 713/780-7910. professional daughter, born March 73,52", corp. Fin., from educated cultured girls.
Email: hemantsheth@yahoo.com 105 lb, MPH, Issueless divorcee, from Call:0041 / 22-8850355. Email: educated, cultured boys. Call: 407/299- sanghvigeneva@yahoo.com 9649. Email: pb52048@yahoo.com
22 / JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003
Jain Education Interational 2010_03
For Private & Personal Use Only