and members of our Society. Over 175 More than 1000 people were present on that presented items related to Jainism, I e.g. people including leaders of different faiths occasion and 37 persons participated in the dance with Bhakti songs, Samayik and from the Washington Interfaith Organiza- contest. They were divided in three age Chaityavandan Sutras, Jain Jeopardy, skits tion, and the United Association of Hindu groups and three different subjects were as- etc. The program was successful and ev& Jain Temples of Metropolitan Washing- signed to them. The participants were well eryone was impressed to note how much ton attended this unique celebration. prepared and it was a pleasure to see that our children and teenagers know about
The function started with Navkar Man- they gave justice to the subjects assigned to Jainism. tra by 3-year old Kajal Vora. Ambassador them. The following contestants were rated
Dr. T. Salgia and JAINA members atLalit Mansinghji gave an excellent welcome as the winners in each group.
tended the program and gave update regardspeech and highlighted Ahimsa and other Group 1. Subject-_Impact of Jain Cen- ing upcoming JAINA convention at Cintenets of Jainism. Anjali Dalal and Nimay ter and Pathshala on My Life
cinnati, OH. Mehta gave excellent presentations on First Place - Shikhar Shah
During Chaitri Oli, 20 persons observed "Mahavir and his teachings. The program Second Place - Shivali Shah
Ayambils for all 9 days and quite a few ended with a vote of thanks by Dr. Manoj Third Place - Rikhav Vasanwala members observed it for one day, Dharamsi. Mrs. Indira Mansinghji gave out
Group 2. subject-_Prayer, Bhakti and certificates of appreciation to all young artJainism
ANN ARBOR, MI ists. The celebration ended with an excel
First Place - Arun Singavi lent dinner. Second Place -Palak Shah
Chetana (Katherine) Florida, the Third Place - Parinda Shah ESSEX FELLS, NJ
founder of "Lighthouse" (group of AmeriGroup 3. Subject - Ecology friendly cans following Jainism) and disciple of Shri Jainism
Chitrabhanuji, passed away on April 2, Aayambil Oli was celebrated with First Place -- Swati Mehta
2003. The "Lighthouse" group visited the more than 100 people participating each day in Samuh aayambil and more than 35
temple to pray and meditate on the Mahavir
Second Place - Sejal Jain sadharmiks did Aayambil Oli
Third Place - Kushal Raj Singavi Jayanti day. Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated with
The winners will be awarded plaques Snatra Puja followed by a cultural program.
The contest was followed by Swamivatsalya.
The contest was follow This year more than 170 Pathshala students 120 people participated on the occasion WEST performed on stage depicting Jain culture of Chaitri Ayambil Oli at the Jain Centre. Chandrakant Parekh,, Regional Editor
Pathshala classes had a tremendous year Mahavir Senior Center organized with more than 200 students learning Jain Chaitya Paripati, 58 persons participated religion. If you are visiting New Jersey / therein.
LOS ANGELES, CA New York City area and would like to visit Printing and publishing of Jain Darshan, or attend a program, please call Shri Viren which was discontinued by Jain Society, has Shah at 732 - 329 - 3236. been resumed. Those who want to get it in
Jain Center of Southern California mail, are requested to call Rajani and
(JCSC) and Jain Social Group of Southern Chandan Shah on (630) 876 1279.
California sponsored the 13th Annual
Health Fair on March 30 at the Jain Bhavan. MIDWEST
Council members from the City of Buena Manu Doshi,, Regional Editor DETROIT, MI
Park graced the event where medical pro
fessionals in over 20 disciplines offered free
Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated on April examination, advice and services to the CHICAGO, IL
13, 2003. The celebration started with public at large. American Red Cross col
Snatra Puja, followed by performance by lected 24 pints of blood and 10 new doLord Mahavir's 2602nd birthday was cel- the study class students called "Students An- nors registered for the bone marrow proebrated on April 13. The declamation con- nual Day Program". More than 95 students gram. test was the highlight of the celebration of various age groups (3 years to 17 years) Bhupendrabhai Soneji of the Sarathi
Organization conducted a meditation pro
JAIN DIGEST. Summer 2003 / 15
Jain Education International 2010_03
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