Young Jains of America
Federation of Jain Associations in North America A Non-Profit Tax Exempt Religious Organization. IRS Code Section 501(c)(3) El #54-1280028
yja@joyce.eng.yale.edu . http://www.yale.edu/yja/
Live and Let Live
परस्परोपग्रहो जीवानाम्
Co-Chairpersons Gaurav Kapadia
Raju Shah
March 2, 1998
Dear fellow Jain community member,
Regional Coordinators
Mid Atlantic Gaurav Kapadia (516) 829-3316 gauravk@aol.com
Anish Sheth
(401) 274-8757 anish_sheth@brown.edu
Jai Jinendra!
Avni Shah (314) 537-2643 avnids@aol.com
The Young Jains of America executive board recently held their biennial meeting at the site of the 1998 YJA Convention in Houston, TX at the Del Lago Resort and Conference Center. The energized group met for four days discussing various aspects of the organization, brainstormed ideas for future projects and discussed plans for the upcoming convention.
Northeast Paulomi Gudka
(416) 299-3627 P.gudka@utoronto.ca
Projects currently being worked on include establishing a YJA adult liaison network around all Jain centers in conjunction with the present local representative system to further communication about YJA's activities and ongoing projects.
Jill Shah (918) 251-3597 jill-shah@utulsa.edu
The next issue of Young Minds is coming out soon and it provides further details on YJA's projects and goals. Also included is an interesting article on ethical investing and detailed information on the Houston convention.
Southeast Dina Mehta
(919) 914-3339 dmehra@email.unc.edu
Ameer Shah (919) 613-2169 aus@acpub.duke.edu
To make ourselves accessible to your valuable input we have set aside times where we will be available by phone (however, please feel free to contact us anytime). Our office hours are:
West Sheetal Khandar
(503) 226-4385 Sheetal 104@aol.com
Mona Vadecha
(213) 734-4853 vadecha@sct-fs.usc.edu
Raju Gaurav Anish Avni Paulomi
Mon 8-9PM
8-9PM 11 PM-12
8-9PM 9-10PM
7-8PM 9-10PM 9-10PM
Tue 8-9PM 8-9PM 11 PM-12
8-9PM 9-10PM 10-11 PM 10-11PM 9-10PM
Wed 8-9PM 8-9PM 11 PM-12
8-9PM 9-10PM 10-11 PM 10-12 PM 9-10PM
Thur 8-9PM 8-9PM 11PM-12
8-9PM 9-10PM 7-8PM
N/A 9-10PM
8-9PM 11 PM-12
6-7PM 9-10PM 7-8PM
N/A 11 PM-12
Sat 8-9PM 8-9PM 11 PM-12 6-7PM 2-3PM 7-8PM 1-3PM 2-3PM
Sun 8-9PM
8-9PM 11 PM-12
6-7 PM 10-11 pm
7-8PM 2-4PM 2-3PM
General Coordinators
Heerain Shah
(404) 206-0671 gte271e@anvil.gatech.edu
Raju Shah (203) 777-4313 shah@zoo.cs.yale.edu
Dina Ameet Sheetal Mona Heerain
8-10PM 9-11 PM
8-9PM 9-11 PM
8-9PM 9-11 PM
8-9PM 9-11 PM
8-10pm 9-11 PM
JAINA Youth Coordinator
Pravin Mehta (931) 648-9535 pmchra@juno.com
We hope that you will be able to help our efforts in promoting Jain activities for our youth through financial contributions or constructive suggestions. Feel free to contact us anytime and we will do our best to help you to the best of our abilities.
Young Jains of America (YJA) is the umbrella youth organization of the Federation of Jain Associations in North America (JAINA). The mission of YJA is to be recognized nationally and internationally as an umbrella youth organization for establishing a network to share Jain heritage and religion through youth.
JAIN DIGEST SPRING 1998/27 Jain Education Interational 2010_02 For Private & Personal Use Only