Mantra which was beautifully done by Darshana Bhuta, Sapna Bhuta, Pravin Turakhia and Neeraj Jain. Following that, Chitrabhanuji, in his usual fashion, gave an inspiring speech. The YJA COchairperson, Amit Shah and the Convention Committee co-chairperson, Rakesh Shah, then officially welcomed all the youths to the convention.
The youths were given a glimpse of what the convention had in store for them. Dr. Parveen Jain, the President of the Jain Center of Northern California and Dr. Manibhai Mehta, the President of JAINA welcomed all the youths. The evening was further enhanced by the speaking of Dr. V.P. Jain, a scholar in the world of Jain religion as well as other religions around the world. Dr. V.P. Jain gave a dynamic speech on the history of Jainism and how it related to youths today. Finally, Sonal Shah, the YJA Site and Public Relations Coordinator, closed the Opening Ceremonies with a wonderful tribute to Shri Chitrabhanuji for his 25 years in the United States, and his 75th birthday, and the history of JAINA.
The YJA Convention was very fortunate to have distinguished guest speakers address the convention participants. Each offered valuable insights into the Jain religion and culture. Mr. Smith, a world-famous professor of philosophy and religious studies, spoke on the essence of human understanding, how science and religion are both essential tools for achieving true knowledge. His speech was entitled Tradition Meets Modernity.
Mr. Pravin Shah, a leading advocate for Jain youth education, of fered a comprehensive analysis of Eastern and Western religions. Gurudev Chitrabhanu's presence is always a blessing to our North American Jain community. Providing an historical perspective to the convention was Dr. Richard Cohen, a distinguished professor of South Asian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Through his discourse, Dr. Cohen offered convention participants a highly objective account of History of Jainism, from the life of Lord Mahavir to Jainism's spread to North America. And who can forget the incredible message of Mr. John Robbins, the heir to the Baskin-Robbins legacy, who gave up his father's business because it exploited animals. In a compassionate and heartwarming presentation entitled Walking the Talk, for which he received a standing ovation.
Aside from the name badge, every participant received a souvenir convention bag. This year, in the spirit of the convention theme, Jainism: Integrating Philosophy and Practice, the reusable bag was made out of durable canvas instead of the more common plastics found in most stores. A local San Francisco couple donated their time to sew all 600 bags. The bags were imprinted with the Jain Symbol and listed the 5 Vratas or Vows of Jainism. The bags contained many donated items including more than a few cruelty-free products from the Jiv Daya Committee. Some of the other items included in the bag were a book written by Gurudev Chitrabhanuji, the convention souvenir, Reflections, a compilation of all of the workshops conducted at the convention, a small murti, a traditional mala and various accessories including pens, paper, etc.
YJA and the Jain Youth Society of Greater Atlanta (JYSGA) joined efforts to present the exhibits seen at the convention. Exhibit coordinators, Hetal Jain and Dimple Shah, worked diliyently for months with Ruturaaj Kalamkar in organizing these exhibits.
Participants of the convention were exposed to many facets of Jainism as well as social activities. The convention focused on the theme, Jainism: Integrating Philosophy and Practice. All participants had the opportunity to attend presentations of the guest speakers • Also participants choose six workshops out of a total of fifteen available over two days. The workshops were organized by Jain youth throughout North America and the United Kingdom
All of the attendees were assigned to spacious quadruple occupancy rooms at the Hyatt. The Hyatt facilities were enjoyed by everyone at the conven
Attendees also attended one of fourteen small group discussions (SGD) organized by various Jain youth. The SGD lasted for 90 minutes each. The topics ranged from Arranged Marriage Today: Is It For You? to Coping with Peer/Parental Pressure. In addition, Preksha Dhyan Meditation and Hatha Yoga were taught.
A Personal Reflection.. Although I could stay but one day at the YJA convention, I was very impressed with the quality of the planning and the dedication, both of the managers as well as the attendees. I had never addressed an audience so large, and yet I felt completely at home and ease with them. Their interest in and knowledge about Jain history and culture I found refreshing and quite extensive. The experience also demonstrated how successful Jain youth are in their academic and extra curricular activities, and planning and starting their careers. Many of the attendees felt comfortable coming to me to discuss further the subjects I touched upon in my lecture. I found a high degree of confidence among the youth. I wish you all well in your endeavors, and hope to see you at the next YJA convention in 1997.
Richard Cohen
Assistant Director South Asia Regional Studies Department
University of Pennsylvania
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November 1996 ary.org