Rathyatra, Procession
Youth Programs
The youth program for the 8th Biennial JAINA Convention will be a good opportunity to meet friends from across the country and discuss issues faced by Jain youth. The weekend will include panel discussions, speakers, workshops, a declamation contest and games for young people of all ages.
Sunday, July 2, 1995 - 9:00 am East View Elementary School
There will be twenty-five floats, each will have its own individuality and message.
Friday, June 30 Ice Breaker Sessions
Saturday, July 1 18 Abhishek (Pratishtha), Meditation, Murti Pooja, Parade, Marriage Bureau, Banner Painting, Workshops, Story Telling, Speaker on Destiny, Panel Discussion on Ahimsa,
Declamation Contest.
Monday, July 3 Samayak, Pooja, Panel Discussion on Suicide, Drugs and Alcohol, Speaker on Opportunity in India, Jain Academic Bowl,
Panel Discussion on Male/Female Gender Roles
Float 1 - Mahavir Band Float 2 - Grand Marshall Float 3-14 - Twenty-four Tirthankars Float 15 - Shreemad Rajachandra, Shree Laghurajswami and
Shree Bhrahmachariji Float 16 - JAINA float Float 17 - JAINA float sponsored by Mahavir Jain Vidyalaya Float 18 - Mahavir Mahila Mandal
of the Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago Float 19 - Jain Young People between the ages of 13 and 15 Float 20 - Children's Float, dedicated to all children between
the ages of 6 and 12 Float 21 - Fourteen Supans and Parna Float 22 - Volunteers
of the Jain Society of Metropolitan Chicago Float 23 - Various Jain Temples of the World Float 24 - Senior citizens Float 25 - Mahavirswami Bhakti float
Tuesday, July 4 Meditation, Pooja, Caring for our Parents in their Golden
Years, Inter-Racial Marriage
These are just some of the activities we have planned for you. Please come and join us on July 4th weekend and discover our destiny as Jains.
Please see the March issue of Jain Digest for the topics of the Declamation Contest.
Rules and Regulations for the Declamation Contest to be announced.
There will be a cultural activity competition to complement these activities which is sponsored by adults.
Youth Chairpersons Ami Shah
Viken Shah 312/325-1532 708/884-1211
The Procession will begin at the East View Middle School and end at the Jain Center.
Everyone will be taken by bus from Remote Parking Locations to the East View Middle School. If you do not ride on a float you will be walking with the procession.
Those who cannot, or do not wish to walk with the Procession will be taken by bus from the East View Middle School to the Jain Center after the Procession has left.
Members of Jain Youth Forum, Mahavir Mahila Mandal and JAINA devotees will also be marching in the Procession in the following order:
Photography and Video Taping Policy
Photography and Video Taping will not be permitted during the Pratishtha and Convention. The Convention has arranged for professionals to take all photographs and videos. These will be offered at a reasonable cost to those wishing a photographic or video souvenir of the events. Thank you for your cooperation.
All invited VIP's, Grand Marshall, Religious Leaders, Trustees, Executive Committee Members and volunteers will walk after Float 2 All JAINA Leaders will walk after Float 17 Mahavir Mahila Mandal will walk after Float 18 Jain Young People will walk after Float 18 All other participants to walk after Float 25
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June 1995 Jain Education International 2010_02
TAIN DIGEST For Private & Personal Use Only