Book Title: Jain Digest 1990 11
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 6
________________ Great Lakes JAIN DIGEST First JAINA Camp Hindu Conference The first JAINA/St. Louis Jain Center Youth Summer (Source: India Abroad, August 24, 1990) Camp was held at Camp Wyman's facilities located near Eureka, Missouri, from July 5 to July 8. There were 57 o ver 300 delegates participated in the first Great campers representing St. Louis, Missouri; Detroit Michigan; Lakes Region Hindu Conference titled Chicago, Illinois; Michigan City, Indiana; Dayton, Toledo "Hinduism-Message and Practice in Today's World," held and Cincinnati, Ohio; Des Moines, Iowa, Lubbock, Texas; on August 4th and 5th in Rochester, Michigan. and Toronto, Canada. Organized by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America, it A typical day's activity included 30 minutes of yoga taught discussed questions commonly facing Hindu immigrants by Shri Balbhadra, prayers by Dilip Sheth, and classroom living in North America, like what Hinduism represents, lessons until noon. The meaning of the Namokar Mantra, a and whether Hinduism is a religion or a way of life. The comparative study of other religions, Jain rituals, and the delegates discussed social concepts like "Freedom, Duties practice of Jainism were taught by Shri Balbhadra from and Cultures" from the perspective of second generation Toronto, Prem Gada from Texas, Sulekh Jain from Cincinimmigrants who have to tread between two cultures. nati, and S.A.B. Kumar from Toronto. Acharya Sushil Kumarji traced the history of Hinduism In the evenings after dinner, "Ahimsa," a movie, was and explained that the words Hindu and Hinduism refer to screened and adult/youth issues were discussed. cultures and samskaras evolved in India over 5,000 years In addition to the camping activities, this camp also proago. He urged those practicing similar cultural values to vided the JAINA Federation Executive Committee members unite together, putting aside their regional and linguistic such as Sulekh Jain, Prem Gada, Urmila Talsania, F.J. Dalal, differences. Satish Noyak, and others an opportunity to discuss a youth Dr. Sulekh C. Jain, President of JAINA, also attended this organization and youth issues with youth members. A conference and participated in the deliberations. preliminary meeting of the youth organization, its role, and its structure was discussed. JAINA expresses thanks to the St. Louis Jain Center for a Nathmal Tatia Visiting job well done. Professor at Harvard Past JAINA President Dr. Nathmal Tatia, Director of Jain Vishva Bharati in Also Active In Politics Ladnun, and former Director of both the Nava Nalanda Mahavihar in Nalanda and the Research Institute of Prakrit, Dr. T.J. Salgia Becomes Co-Chairman of Ohio Jainology and Ahimsa in Vaishali, is a Visiting Professor at the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard Govenor Committee University for the Fall 1990 semester. Dr. Tatia is offering a course entitled "Three Traditions of n r. T.J. Salgia past president of JAINA (1985-1989) is Meditation in India: Patanjali's, Buddhist, and Jaina." Dr. not only active in JAINA and Jain Center activities, Tatia is the author of many authoritative works on Jaina and but also devotes considerable amount of time in politics and other social organizations. Buddhist philosophy, including Studies in Jaina Philosophy (Varanasi, 1951), Aspects of Jaina Monasticism (with Muni In 1988, he was active in President Bush's successful elecMahendra Kumar, Ladnun, 1981), Jaina Meditation (Ladnun, tion campaign and was invited to attend President's inaugu1986), and Lectures on Jainism (Madras, 1988). ral BALL in January, 1989 in Washington D.C. Dr. Tatia Will be available to give a limited number of This year, Dr. Salgia is the Co-Chairman of George public lectures at Jain centers in North America. Inquire Voinovich for Governor of Ohio Committee - coalition divifrom Dr. John Cort at the Center for the Study of World sion of Asian-Indian community in Ohio. Religions, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 01238; (617) 495-4495. Eminent Professor of Social Work Detroit Planning Jain Temple D r. Shanti K. Khinduka, Dean and Professor of Social ue to the excellent attendance at all functions held by Work at the George Warren Brown School of Social the Jain Society of Greater Detroit, a larger and more Work, Washington University has been doing outstanding permanent place to hold functions and meetings is being con- work He recently initiated the idea of fellowships work after sidered. To accomodate the growing interest in religious ac- Mahatma Gandhiand Mother Teresa at the University. He is tivities, the idea of a Jain temple in the Detroit area may hope- widely recognized for his social work as well as by the fully be a reality in the near future. Building committee: Dr. academic community for his academic achievements. Dr. Jayat Shah, Dr. Kirit Shah, Dr. Bharat Tolia, and Nalin Shah. Khinduka was recently featured in India Abroad. Page 3 Jain Education Intemational For Private Personal Use Only


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