Book Title: Jain Digest 1990 11
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 18
________________ Studies in Jainism Reader 1, The Essentials of Bhagavan JA IN DIGEST Book Review who are Sadhus; and has written one hundred books. Bhuvanbhanusurish varji became an Acharya on the second day of Magasir (bright fortnight) in the year 2029 of the Vikram Era. edited by Duli Chandra Jain, Jain Study Circle ISBN: 81-208-0677-8 (Cloth) Rs. 125 L ere is an excellent beginning level book on Jainism, ISBN: 81-208-0678-6 (Paper) Rs. 70 Il consisting of short and lively 24 chapters. Dr. Duli Chandra Jain with his team of several advisors and, a number MOTILAL BANARSIDASS PUBLISHERS PVT. LTD. of authors have done a great service to us. Bungalow Road, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi 110 007 (India) The articles contain basic principles of Jainism through simple explanation of terms used daily in our worship, interesting stories relating to Teerthankars, Jain theory of Karma, spiritual aspects of Reality in Jainism and our code of conduct. DRAVYA-SAMGRAHA This is a readable book and is strongly recommended for people of all ages, who wish to familiarize themselves with of Nemichandra Siddhantabasic principles of Jainism. I would like to congratulate Chakravartti Professor Duli Chandra Jain and his team of authors, advisors, and others listed in the preface for making this book By S. C. Ghoshal available to us. ravya Samgraha is a Sanskritized title of a Prakrit Reviewed by Dr. Surender K. Jain, Athens, Ohio D work "Darva Samgaha" or "Compendium of Substances" contained 58 gathas or verses. The first part extending from verse 1 to 27 deals with the six substances recognized in the Jaina canon including the five Astikayas; the second part comprising verses 28-39 deals with the seven Tattvas or Reals and nine padarthas or categories, and the Mahavir's Philosophy third part consisting of verses 40-57 describes the way to GANADHARAVADA attain liberation. The last verse of the work mentions Muni Nemichandra as By Acharya Vijay Bhuvanbhanusuri the author of these verses. He is better known as Nemichan dra Siddhanta Chakravartti or "The master of the totality of The jivas in this samsar have been wandering aim- the sacred writings" and is known to have flourished at the Ilessly and fruitlessly for countless ages. Their wan- close of the 10th or the beginning of 11th century C.E. The derings have been futile. Here is a book that can help them famous General Chamunda Raya has mentioned him as his to end this eternal cycle of birth and death. teacher. Ganadharavada contains a lucid description of the doubts The present work includes English translation of Dravya of eleven scholars regarding the soul, karma, the five basis Samgraha and the text of Brahmadeva's Sanskrit commenelements (Pancha-bhutas), the next life, heaven, hell, punya, tary Dravya-Samgraha-vrtti. papa, bondage, deliverance and salvation; and of the way in which Bhagavan Mahavirdev removed their doubts by giv- ISBN: 81-208-0634-4 ing them excellent and elaborate clarifications and explana- Rs. 300 tions. In other words, the book contains Bhagavan Mahavir's explanations of philosophical and metaphysical doctrines. In the book we find solutions to the modern questions A New Literary which often cause anxiety and perplexity in the minds of people. Bhagavan Mahavir revealed the mystery to the eleven highly learned brahmins who became his prominent disciples called Ganadharas during the discussion that took place among them. So the book is titled "Ganadharavada." rahmi Society of North America (An international Shri Kantibhai was born on the 6th day of the dark fortnight organization for Jain concepts started recently) has of Chaitra in Vikram Era 1987, in a highly cultured and announced the launching of a new literary Jain magazine distinguished family in Ahmedabad. under the name JINAMANJARI. This will be a bi-annual, He renounced the world at the age of 23 and became Muni 100-page literary magazine in English and will deal with Bhanuvijayaji, also known later by the name Acharya Jainism, its principles, practices rituals and heritage. The Bhuvanbhanusuri. He made an in-depth study of the Jain magazine shall be distributed free to universitites in North Agams and shastras, and the various systems of the Eastern America and other countries. philosophy; and attained mastery over them. For details, contact Brahmi Society, 4665 Moccassin Trail, He is the spiritual head of more than two hundred disciples Mississauga, Ontario, L4Z2W5, Canada. Jain Education Interational For Page 15 al Use Only Magazine, JINAMANJARI , Being Launched


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