Book Title: Jain Digest 1990 11
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 9
________________ JAIN DIGEST JAINISM AT ICANAS Dr. Prem Suman Jain Delivers IN TORONTO Lectures On Jainism In Europe T CANAS is a conference for scholars specializing in r. Prem Suman Jain, Head of the Department of Asian and North African Studies. It is a very prestig. U Jainology & Prakrit, Sukhadia University, Udaipur, ious conference with a long history (128 years) where few India attended and presented his paper at the Seventh World thousand scholars present papers. God Conference held at Rome and Assissi (Italy) from 1-7 For the first time in their history, a separate panel on Janism May, 1990 organized by New Era, New York. Dr. Jain also was held this year. Nine papers on Jainism were presented visited an Oriental institute of Switzerland and delivered a during the conference. Some of the scholars visiting from lecture on "Aspects of Jainism related to Man and his India included Dr. Nagarajaiha, Dr. V. Jain, Dr. R. Zydenbos, Environment" in Innsbruk University, Innsbruk, Austria. Dr. B. Jain and Dr. Y. Shastri. JAINA is planning to have all Dr. Jain was also invited by Jain Association International, papers is its library. This panel on Jainism was arranged and Hamburg, Germany to deliver a lecture on "The Concepts of made possible through the courtesy and dedication of Dr. Non-violance in Modern Outlook". Lalit Shah, first JAINA president, presently at Ahmedamad. feature Article 1 Chaturmas by Acharya Shri Vidyasagarji Shri Nirmal Chand Jain AppointedAs Advocate General Of Madhaya Pradesh charya Shri Vidyasagarji is doing his Chaturmas at A Muktagiri. The President, Ratanlal Gangwal and the What's In A Name? Secretary, Sahu Ashok Kumar Jain of Digambar Jain Ma A Non-Jain Tells hasamiti planned to organize certain religious and educa never par About Her"Jayn" Name tional activities during September 1990. I ticularly liked the name Jayn, that is until I learned there was a religion that, one letter notwithstanding, was devoted to an ideal I myself was devoted to. Although the term abimasa has not yet been incorporated into my Webster's, "Jain" has: "...respect for the lives of animals is carried to great lengths." How excited I was to learn that not just were there handfuls of individuals, but an entire religion with thousands of folhri Nirmal Chand Jain of Madhaya Pradesh is a dis lowers that did not believe in animal suffering, or that anitinguished advocate, educationist and social mals were put on earth for man's amusements, whether it be worker. We are proud of his appointment as Advocate for someone to cut up in an animal laboratory, or something General. Our heartiest congratulations to Shri Nirmal to cram into a cage, unable to move its entire life, to keep its Chandi. meat tender. What a wonderful challenge for the youths of Jainism to Vegetarian Rally at Hyde Park heed the glorious tradition of 2,600 years of non-violent teachings in America where their peers see animals as nothL undreds of Indian vegetarians descended on Hyde ing more than something to keep their two slices of bread N Park on July 22 with pledges and picnic baskets. apart. Awards for advancing the vegetarian cause were given at It has been shown over and over that the majority of people the "mass rally" organized by the Young Indian Vegetarians. convert to vegetarianism by seeing others who eschew the Members signed a petition to be handed over to the Indian chewing of flesh. Thousands of animals will surely be spared High Commission. It called on the government of India to horrendous lives and tortuous deaths by others seeing the curb meat-eating. Jaina youth setting an example They also rose to take a vow: "I pledge to remain a In this fast food culture, we often do not have time to pre vegetarian as from today, 22nd July 1990. As a vegetarian I pare a complicated meal, and that's the reason for PETA will refrain from eating meat, fish and eggs. May God help BRED, a new cookbook of 144 recipes taking ten minutes to me to keeps this pledge for the rest of my life." Among the speakers were Labour Member of Parliament The book is dedicated to People For The Ethical Treatment Tony Behn, Jain monks and members of organizations from of Animals (PETA), which has "bred" a vegetarian philosothe Jain community, the Budhist Sangha, and the Jewish phy in its thousands of members. Copies of the book are Vegetarian Society. All spoke in praise of the vegetarian way of life. dered from meat: 1501 E. McMillan, Cincinnati, OH 45206.0 fix. Jain Education Intemational Page 6 For Private Personal Use Only


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