Book Title: Jain Digest 1988 11 Vol 14 No 08
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 23
________________ A GLOSSARY OF JAIN WORDS Agama: Cannonical work on the sacred science of Jain Religion, its doctrines and scriptures written in Prakrit language Agamagna: One who has a thorough knowledge of the Agamas Agamatati: The series or aggregate of the Jain sastras Agamic: Relating to the Agamas Agamika: An authority on the Agamas Ailaka: The top order among the shravakas Aksata: uncooked rice Anekantavad: Jain doctrine of manifold aspects Anjalimudra: A gesture of worship when palms join together near chest Arhum: Identical to Arhant Arahmta: Prakrit word for Arhat Aryika: Female equivalent of ailaka Astapada: A mountain where Lord Rishab attained Nirvan and his son, emperor Bharata errected Chaityalaya with 24 images of the Tirthankaras. In art, it is a 4-faced solid structure that rises in 4-5 tiers, of diminishing widths, surmounted by Jina Astamangalika: The 8 auspicious Jain symbols-swastika, srivatsa, nandyavarta, vardhamanaka, bhadrasana, kalasa, darpana & matsya Avasyaka: Essential daily duties of Jain laypeople Ayariya: Prakrit word for Acharya Bhattaraka: Venerable administrator of a Jain congrgation, Pontif Bhavantara/Bhavavali: The previous life scenes of a Tirthankara Bhavya: Term used for the followers of Jain Religion in VS 501 Caturvidhasamgha: Bhavyas categorised to monk, nun, shravak & shravaki Chaityalaya: A Jaina place of worship, meditation and study Covisi: A decorative panel with images of 24 Tirthankaras Ganadhara: The chief disciple of a Tirthankara Jain/Jaina/Jainist: Current term for adherents; relating to Jainism Jainagamist: One who has studied Jain Scriptures Jainaphil: A lover of Jainism Jainic/Jainistic: Relating to Jainism Jainistics: The science of the Jain Religion's doctrines or precepts Jainology: Study of the science of the Jain Religious doctrines Jainological: Of Jainology Jainalogist: An authority on Jainology Jainize: Make Jain in character; convert to Jainism Jina: An Arhat who has conquered all passions; a deified Jain Saint Jinagamacharya: A codifier and exponent of the Agamas Jinamarga: In the path of Jain Religion Jinamudra: An image or form of a Jina Jinasamaya: A Jain congrgation Jinasamayi: A member of a Jain congrgation Jinater: A person who worships the Jinas Jinatry: The worship of the Jinas Kayotsarga: Jain saint's upright body posture with hands down Kshullak: A junior Jain monk Lalitasana: Seated posture with one leg tucked beneath thigh and the other, with knee bent, rests on the ground Meru: A mountain, in storeys, each having an astapada Mulaghanta: The main bell atop the Samvarana roof Panchakalyan: 5 auspicious events in the life of the Tirthankara Parva: Jain holy festivity days Rajoharana: A whisking broom for Jain saints to dust off particles .... continues on page 10 Jain Education International 2010 02 For Private & Personal Use Only


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