Book Title: Jain Center of America NY 1984 09 Paryushan
Author(s): Jain Center of America NY
Publisher: USA Jain Center America NY

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Page 12
________________ YA CONSTITUTION OF JAIN CENTER OF AMERICA $645146451 ARTICLE I: NAME & OBJECTIVES Section 1 The name of this non-profit membership corporation shall be Jain Center of America Inc., New York, U.S.A. Section 2 Objectives: (a) to promote ideals and teachings of Jainism; (b) to promote principles of pure vegetarianism, non-injury (AHIMSA), and truth (ANEKANTEVADA); (c) To promote understanding of sacred Jain scriptures and teachings of Mahavira; (d) to raise the level of spiritual awareness and humanitarian principles throughout the world, (e) to act towards the achievement of these objectives by establishing, supporting and participating in lectures, seminars, discussion groups, conferences, exhibitions, tours, exchanges of scholars and establishing liaison with other institutions, (0) to propagate these objectives through publication of articles, journals, books, pamphlets, letters, and audio visual material: (g) to establish teaching and research centers, libraries, reading rooms and study circles; (h) to lease or acquire land, buildings and other property for furtherance of ideals and objectives of the Jain Center of America 0 to establish a house of worship for the Jains residing in New York metropolitan area; ( to establish liaison with Jain community in other parts of the United States as well as in India, ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP Section 1 (a) Membership will be open to all those who believe in the philosophy of Jain religion. Section 2 (a) Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary along with full amount of dues applicable thereto. The Secretary may, at his discretion, approve such an application on a temporary basis pending approval of the Board of Directors. (b) At every meeting of the Board of Directors, the Secretary shall submit all outstanding membership applications (temporarily approved or not) for consideration of the Board. (c) The Board of Directors may accept or reject any application for membership. Should any application be re jected, all prepaid dues shall be immediately refunded. Section 3 (a) There shall be two classes of membership individual, and (D) family. (b) Members shall be in good standing if they have paid dues for their class for the period indicated, and shall be eligible for all rights and privileges of their class of membership so long as they maintain good standing and are not removed from membership in accordance with the procedure set in Section 6 of this Article. (c) Members whose dues are in arrears for ninety (90) days shall cease to be in good standing. Such members may automatically return to good standing by paying arrears within the following sixty (60) days. Section 4 (a) Active members shall pay individual dues of $21.00 (US) or family dues for husband and wife of $31.00 (US) per year. Only those members who have paid their dues shall be eligible to vote. FUGLEY Section 5 Resignation from membership shall be made in writing to the Secretary, but it shall not relieve any member from liability for any dues in arrears at the time such resignation is submitted. (a) Any member who has not been in good standing for a period of sixty (60) days shall automatically cease to be a member of JCA. The Board of Directors may, however, extend such period for any such member. 51464145 WE BELIEVE IN AHIMSA - NON-VIOLENCE 4641415 Jain Education Intemational For Private & Personal Use Only


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