15th Biennial JAINA Convention 2009
Ecology - The Jain Way
THE PRACTICE OF ECOLOGY: THE ROLE OF IMJMC YOUTH CAMPS Harish C. Jain, Kamal Jain, Tushar Mehta, Kroopa Shah & Madhu Jain jainhar@mcmaster.ca
Professor Harish C. Jain is President of the IMJMC and Kamal Jain is Senior Vice-President of IMJMC. Dr. Tushar Mehta, Kroopa Shah and Madhu Jain have led several IMJMC Youth Camps.
Tushar Mehta, Kroopa Shah and Madhu Jain, along with many other team members, organized and actively participated in these youth camps. Every camp has included activities to learn about ecological issues. The theme of the 2006 IMJMC summer camp was in fact Jainism and Ecology, and the work to educate Jain youth on the philosophical and practical aspects of Jainism will continue in our annual camps. The Jain camps endeavor to be environmentally responsible on a practical level. They are held in an outdoor center with very basic facilities, and carpools or buses are used to travel there. No disposable items are used for eating or drinking, and all food waste is composted. The counselors and campers personally help wash dishes and deal with all waste. An attempt is made to keep the diet as close to vegan as possible.
The late Acharya Sushil Kumar Ji Maharaj, founder of the International Mahavira Jain Mission of Canada (IMJMC), gave spiritual guidance, blessings and inspiration for the initiation of Jain Youth Camps beginning in 1985. He presided over our annual camps until his passing in 1994. He taught children, youth and adults who attended these camps initially (1985-1994) about the meaning and practice of non-violence or Ahimsa.
The rationale for these youth camps is based on Jain principles as propounded by Lord Mahavir. These principles are equally applicable today. Lord Mahavir was completely in tune with the divine harmony of the universe. Thousands of years ago, his wisdom manifested itself in his observation of parasparopagraho jivanam, the idea that all life is interdependent and mutually supportive. All life is bound together. Perhaps this is the broadest and boldest definition of an ecosystem; one that includes all life in the universe. When we ruminate on the meaning of these words, it is clear that with its belief in the interdependence of all living beings and the harmony of nature, Jain philosophy is revolutionary in its emphasis on ecology.
The late Acharya Sushil Kumarji spoke at the two symposiums organized by the IMJMC on the themes of 'Ahimsa and Peace' on June 1-2, 1985 in Montreal and 'Survival or Violence' in Toronto on October 30, 1988. Professor Harish Jain also addressed the 1988 Symposium.
IMJMC Youth Camp Participants
From 1985 to the early 2000's, the camps were attended by children including the last three coauthors. Since 2002, the IMJMC has devoted its camps to youth.