15th Biennial JAINA Convention 2009
Ecology - The Jain Way
characteristic of a capitalist society; we never fully We should not shy away from questioning the realize the social and environmental costs of the norms of behavior and functionality of society things we consume.
either. Consistent, informed and sharp criticism
and questioning of our governments, economy It is no coincidence that lifestyle choices to limit and belief systems will help enlighten the masses. our impact on the environment such as cooking The principles of Jain philosophy fall neatly in line for self, growing our own food, riding a bike with this. Followers of Jain philosophy need to instead of driving a car, are also exercises in lead by example. We must encourage a society in freedom. However, token lifestyle changes will not which the basic needs of all living things are met; save our environment from destruction; we must a society of zero economic growth, but of infinite constantly be vigilant and critical of ourselves, growth in the realms of education, equality, questioning every action, belief, thought and idea. understanding, and coexistence.
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