Book Title: JAINA Convention 2005 07 JCNC Program Guide
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 46
________________ Jain Philosophy. He gives talks on vari- several works in Gujarati including tributor and advisor of social affairs. ous aspects of Jainism. He is a quali- "Nav Tattva" and "Anekäntväd". Has Served as a president of JSNC. fied Chartered Accountant with a created two websites on Jainism inPhD from London School of Econom- cluding Shah was born and raised in the ics. He's founder of a global youth haren_shah/ . He studied many Jain Fremont, California. She received her movement called 'Young Jains' and doctrines. BS in Nutrition from Cal Poly, San Luis also founder 'Jain Spirit' Obispo and my MPH in Nutrition from ( of whom he is the Hasu Shah, President and board Loma Linda University. Currently she Executive Editor. member of JCNC. Director of JAINA works as a Clinical Dietitian at Stanford Convention Board, Committed to Medical Center and Kaiser Avni Shah, a local Bay Area resident. promote rich Jain values in the west- Permanente and there, she patients She is an active participant in JCNC. ern hemisphere, active participant improve their nutritional status. One of She has taught and conducted and contributor to Jain activities since the main reasons she really wanted to pathshala for children for more than many years. He is MSME, MBA. Cur do this session is because many 20 years. Profession: teacher, currently rently a management consultant, for- people who practice the vegetarian she is a principal at a private school. merly CEO of Aeromovel and has or vegan lifestyle have approached over 35 years of experience in multi- her with the same question: "What Bipin Shah is an active participant and national corporations. foods can I eat so I make sure that I contributor to many Jain activities at am eating a healthy diet?" Through JCNC and JAINA in North America. Dr. Jina Shah is a family physician work- this session she hopes to make people He is currently a Board Member of ing in international public health at the aware that eating a vegetarian or Jain Center of Northern California. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and vegan diet in our society today Previously he was President of JCNC Prevention. She is also the Community is fulfilling in promoting a healthy en(2003-2004). Professionally, he is the Service Chair for Young Jain Profes- vironment and for better nutrition for CEO and President of Kovair Software. sionals. Early in life, exposures to both all of us. He led the construction team to de- the poverty in India and the philososign and construct the Jain Bhawan phy of Jainism, especially the values Dr. Nitin Shah, MD, is Professor of Cliniin Milpitas California. He is dedicated of "aparigraha", non-attachment to cal Anesthesiology at University of to promote Jain values in the western material possessions, and "daan", California at Irvine. Immediate past world. He is involved in other educa- contributing one's resources for the president and board member of Jain tional and charitable organizations in benefit of others, led her to her cur- Center of Southern California, Presithe Bay area and elsewhere. rent activities. She will moderate and dent of Anekanta Community Center, discuss the rewards and challenges of Chairman of Jain Center's Resource Diptiben Kirtilal Shah residing at community and public service, inter- Committee of JAINA. Construction of Mumbai has studied Jain scriptures for nationally and locally, as a way to Jain Center of Southern California's about 18 years and since the last 15 contribute to the world and grow spiri- Cultural Complex was started during years she has been bestowing her tually. his presidency. He is also a board knowledge in India as well as in US. She member of South Asian Network, and has studied many Jain books includ- Dr. Jitendra Shah, Director, L.D. Insti- a director of Hindu Cultural Center of ing Five Karma Granth (Sixth half) and tute of Indology, Ahemedabad, India Southern California. He organizes free Tattvartha Sutra. And Research Director, Shardaben health fairs in Southern California for Chimanlal Educational Research Cen- last 14 years. Girish Shah has been teaching Jain ter. Visiting Professor: International religion and giving discourses since Jain Center, Gujarat Vithyapith, Pravin K. Shah is a founding member more than two decades. He conducts Ahemedabad. "Ph.D. in Jain Philoso- of Jain Study Center of North CaroSwadhyaya in Gujarati attended by phy, Banaras Hindu University. lina and an Executive Committee approximately 150 adults every other Varanasi, India. *Acharya, in Jain Member Federation of JAINA. He is a Sunday and 50/60 adults every Mon- Darshan, Sampurnanand Sanskrit Uni- chairperson of JAINA Education Comday. He has been inspired by versity, India. Published several books mittee and advisor to YJA and YJP Pujyashri Amarendravijayji Maharaj including Rajanagar Na Jinalao (Co- youth organizations and many other Saheb and Pujyashri Atmanandji Author Chandrakant Kadia). Editor organizations. He is a retired Electri(Koba). and advisors for four renowned Jain cal Engineer. He is a Jain scholar and institutes publications, and Jain Phi- activist against animal cruelty. He has Harendra Shah has MSME and been losophy discourses at various centers published several articles and books actively involved in Jain education, throughout USA and Canada. on Jain philosophy, cruelty to animals, conducting Swadhyaya, training Jain and Comparative religions. He offers Shälä teachers and teaching since Mr. Jitendra B Shah A well respected, two-day interactive workshop on varimore than 18 years. Active partici- active JCNC member. He is a generous aspects of Jainism to prepare Jain pant to many Jain activities at JCNC ous contributor and advisor of social Pathashala teachers and educate and past VP, Education Coordinator affairs. Has co-authored a book on community at large. The education and Board Member of JCNC and in rites and rituals for cremation. Served committee section of the JAINA compilation of JAINA education as an president of JCNC. website ( contains sigbooks. He has compiled several nificant information of Jainism combooks in English including "Primary Kantibhai Shah a well respected, ac- piled by many JAINA education comPrinciples of Jainism". and compiled five JCSC member. A generous con- mittee members including him. 46 Jain Education International For Personal & Private Use Only


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