Book Title: JAINA Convention 2005 07 JCNC Program Guide
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 44
________________ ' also appeared in both local and national media as an Health Service and now part of the U.S. Department of expert on pertinent animal and environmental protection Homeland Security, Dr. Meghani served at the World Trade issues. She has a degree in Environmental Leadership and Center after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, and a Masters in Humane Education. was part of a state of California delegation to Ukraine in 2004. He regularly writes to the media and gives talks to Rev. Dr. William Lesher currently serves as the Chair, Board community groups about issues of concern. He continof trustees of Parliament of the World's Religions, President ues to remain active in cultural, ethnic, spiritual, political, Emeritus, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Coor- environmental, and developmental organizations. dinator of Congregational Programs, Jubilee USA, Senior Fellow, New Day International (An affiliate of Growth De- Dr. Atul Mehta, Well known orthopedic surgeon, commitsign Corporation), Senior Consultant, Reinvest South Af- ted to promote rich Jain values in the western hemisphere, rica (RISA) Board and Executive Committee, United Board active participant and contributor to Jain activities since for Christian Higher Education in Asia, Member of the World many years. Faith Development Dialogue. Pacific Rim Working Group of the Graduate Theological Union, Jubilee USA Network Chandrakantbhai Mehta a well-respected Jain scholar. (Co-chair of the Development Committee and Coordi- Since last 17 years, he has given lectures, conducted nator for the Jubilee Congregation Program of the Bay. Swadhyaya, Aradhana, Samayik, and Shibirs in many Jain Area Jubilee Debt Cancellation Coalition) centers of USA. He has delivered inspiring lectures during the eight-day Paryushana Parv celebration at many Jain Dr. Luskin is the author of the San Francisco Bay Area best centers. He holds a Masters degree in Physics as well as in seller Forgive for Good: A Proven Prescription for Health Nuclear engineering. He is retired and devotes his time and Happiness and the newly released Stress Free for for religious activities. Good. He has worked with organizations such as the City of San Jose, Kaiser Permanente, Mountain States Health Pdt Dheeraj Lal Mehta, at the age of 13, in 1948, joined Alliance, Superior Court of San Francisco and others to 'Shri Yashovijayji Jain Sanskrit Pathshala' at Mehsana, help them work with conflict and grudges. In addition he Gujarat. He stayed there for eight years during which he has trained lawyers, doctors, church leaders and congre- studied a variety of Jain religious subjects and many origigations, hospital staffs, teachers and other professionals nal scriptures including Six Karma Granthas, Tattvartha to manage stress and enhance forgiveness all over the Sutra, Kammapachadi, Tark Sangraha and Siddhahem United States. Dr. Luskin's work has been featured in Time, Vyakaran. After completing his study at Mahesana, he O. Ladies Home Journal, U.S. News and World Reports, Pre-accepted the activity of teaching Jain Monks, Nuns, vention as well as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Shravakas and Shravikas at Shri Hemchandra-Acharya Chicago Tribune, U.S.A. Today and the Wall Street Journal. Jain Sanskrit Pathshala and other places, in Ahmedabad. In addition The Public Broadcasting System has made a His inspiring lectures, his books and audio cassettes have pledge drive video of his work inspired many people towards the Jain religion, both in India and abroad. Dr. Yashwant Malaiya has PhD in Electrical Engineering and is currently a Professor of Computer Science at Colo- Dr. Manibhai Mehta well known physician in Southern rado State University. He has served as chair of several California, also an active participant and contributor to International conferences including IEEE Int. Symp. Soft- Jain Center of Southern California. He has held many key ware Reliability Engineering, Denver, 2003. He is creator of positions in JAINA and JCSC including president of both a website on "Jainism: Jain Principles, Tradition and Prac- organizations. He is actively participates in many charity tices". activities relating to his profession. jainhlinks.html. He has explored several aspects of Jainism including history, demography and practice of Jainism in Dr. Shailesh Mehta received his Ph.D. from Case Western North America. Reserve University. He is the President of Granite Hill Capi tal Ventures, LLC. Previously, he was the Chairman of the Hira Ratan Manek (HRM), his love for the SUN has made Board and CEO of Providian Financial Corporation. Dr. him a legend with his inspiring speech with remarkable Mehta is a Trustee of the California State University. He is confidence. His lectures charged the audience to that well known for his philanthropic activities and is a recipiextent, many of them turned SUN worshippers the very ent of numerous awards and honors. next day. He is so powerful to create an admiration in the mind of the people for the purity and beauty of the SUN. Viral Mehta is the founding member of, an all-volunteer organization that has inspired a broad Mr. Dada Mazmudar a well respected, active senior com volunteer base to deliver millions of dollars in services to munity member. He is a generous contributor and advisor the international nonprofit sector. Currently, he helps run of social affairs, specifically affairs of senior citizens. CharityFocus and contributes to the efforts of a variety of other nonprofits. After graduating from UC Berkeley in Dr. Mihir Meghani lives in Fremont, California with his par- Engineering Mathematics, he led the Software Developents and brother. Born in Philadelphia and raised in Michi- ment team at Human Services Management Corp., which gan, he earned a Bachelor of Arts (History & Biomedical provides management and technology services to Sciences) and Medical Degree from the University of Michi- nonprofits. Last year, he attended the YES!'s Leveraging gan. He now works for Kaiser Permanente Hospitals. As a Privilege for Social Change "Jam", which brings together member of the volunteer San Francisco Bay Area Disaster young leaders with access to exceptional resources, Medical Assistance Team, formerly part of the U.S. Public whose lives are dedicated to building a thriving, just and 44 Jain Education International For Personal & Private Use Only


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