Book Title: JAINA Convention 2005 07 JCNC Program Guide
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 47
________________ Dr. Pravinbhai L. Shah is a Molecular from Pujaya Panyasji Chandrashekhar team of doctors also from UCSF will Rheologist. Pravinbhal has extensively Maharaj. Panch Pratikaman. Nav bring to you the latest researches, studied Jain Scriptures and epic works Tatva and Jiv Vichar. Excellent orator medicine, procedures for prevention of Acharya Kundkund, Haribhadara, on Jainisam specializing in Pravachan and care in both the cardio-vascular Yashovijayji. and Shrimad Rajchandra for Paryushan Pravachan mala. Man- diseases and women's health. (his Sadguru) and has written many aging Vardhaman Sanskar Dham at articles on Jainism. He has been an Mumbai having over thousand young Pdt (Dr.) Jay Kumar Upadhyaya is a invited scholar to numerous Jain pro- members and participating in the vari- well known Jain scholar in our comgrams and centers and his presenta- ous Jain and charity activities. munity. He is a disciple of Acharya Shri tion includes scientific approach with Muni Vidyanandji Maharaaj, currently excellent clarity. He has studied many Dr. Mamta Shaha lives in New York and head of the Prakrit department in the Jain scriptures. has been an active member of the Lal Bahadur Shastri Sanskrit University, local Jain Center. She is the modera- New Delhi. He is a Vidhaan Acharya Rakshaben Shah B.Sc. M.A.LL.B. for of a session of the social track. & Pratishthacharya. He is holders of N.D.Dip. JAIN PHIL. Doing research in many degrees including Masters in Jaina Philosophy on pratikramana. Prof. Jagdish Sheth is the Charles H. Jain Temple Ceremony She has been visiting lecturer and Kellstadt Professor of Marketing in the (Pratishthaacharya) and in Jain media contributor. Since 2001, she has Goizueta Business School and the Householders. He got his Doctorate in been giving pravachans on Jain Phi- founder of the Center for Relationship Critical Analysis of Jyotish & losophy, has written many papers and Marketing at Emory University. Dr. VastuVidya in Prakrut. He's been givmade presentations at various local, Sheth is internationally known for his ing religious discourses past many national and international Seminars scholarships in Marketing, Customer years. and Conferences. She writes a spiri- Satisfaction, Global Competition, and tual column on regular basis. Strategic Thinking. He has authored Prof. Anne Vallely received her Ph.D. numerous books in his field. from University of Toronto. She is an AsRashmibhai Shah a well respected, sistant Professor at the University of active JCSC member. A generous Narendra Sheth founder of Jain Soci- Ottawa. Her main research interests contributor and advisor of social af- ety in San Diego, has translated are in the areas of Jainism, gender, fairs. Samvatsari Pratikraman in English,human-nonhuman relations, and the chaired Jiv Daya and Vegetarianism anthropology of religion. Her scholarSudhir M. Shah, active member of Committee of JAINA for several years, ship on Jainism includes many articles JAINA education committee, public Published a book, "Jainism and Ani- and a book. Transcendent: An Ethnogaffairs council, exhibition committee, mal Issues - Handbook for Compas- raphy of a Jain Ascetic Community a Jain representative of Yale univer- sionate Living", organized animal (2002). sity interfaith group and served his lo- compassion seminars and/or fashion cal Jain center in various capacities, shows in various places, currently pub- Anop R. Vora is the current President editor of Anekantvad news letter. lishing a magazine. "Jiv Daya Digest", of Federation of Jain Associations of pathshala coordinator and teacher, follows strict Jain and vegan diet. North America (JAINA). He has pubauthor of "Think of these things" - a lished numerous articles on various collection of articles on the applica- Dr. Anil Singhvi an oncologist by pro- topics including Anger, Forgiveness, tion of Jain philosophy and has par- fession. Founding member of Falcon, Theory of Karma, Liberation through ticipated in Pathshala teachers' con- a nine year old self learning group in Meditation. His main area of interest ferences, international conferences Indore. Has taken the aim of the is meditation. various interfaith conferences. He has group to unfold the physical, interperreceived Master of Science and Mas- sonal, emotional and spiritual poten- Rohak Vora, President JC San Diego, ters in Public and Private Manage- tials to heart. In short, to recognize the Committed to promote rich Jain valment from Yale University. sacred in the ordinary. A gifted ues in the western hemisphere, active speaker, has taken lectures to the participant and contributor to Jain Dr. Sudhir V. Shah, Fellowship on young as well as adults on this impor- activities since many years. stroke, D.M. Neurology, Director of tant aspect of life. Neurosciences at Sterling Hospital, Dr. Kristy Wiley received her Ph.D. Honorary associate professor of Neu- Dr. Michael Tobias is a global interdis- from the University of California at rology and numerous professional ciplinary ecologist with research in Berkeley, where she teaches courses participants, winner of many profes- over 50 countries. He is the author of including religions of India and religion sional awards, and author of 3 books some 30 books, including Life Force, and ecology. She is the author of the relating his profession. Lectures and The World of Jainism. Dr. Tobias has di- Historical Dictionary of Jainism (2004).. discourses on - Stress relief by Jain re- rected and produced more than 100 and has published essays in several ligion, Scientific basis of austerity, and films, including Ahimsa. He has taught edited books and Journals. various Jain practices and research at Dartmouth, University of New related to cure of diseases by Jainism. Mexico, and at the University of Cali fornia, Santa Barbara. Yogeshbhai (Veer Sainik) Shah, trustee in Tapovan Sanskar pith in vari- Dr. Mintu Turakhia is a Bay Area youth ous public charitable trusts. Detailed attending UCSF to complete a fellowstudies of Jain Religion for five years ship in Cardiology. Dr. Turakhia and his Jain Education International For Personal & Private Use Only


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