Book Title: JAINA Convention 1999 07 Philadelphia
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA
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10th Biennial JAINA Convention
Non Violence: A Code of Conduct
Niraj Jain
Non-Violence denotes mental purity. Non-violence in its' broad sense comprises the fundamental human values of Truth, Celibacy, Detachment and Renunciation. Therefore Non-Violence has been hailed as the supreme Religion of whole mankind. This universe is a confluence of space, land and water and micro living beings pervade the space everywhere and so in external conduct and behavior one cannot be fully non-violent. But if in our innerself, there is an essence of equality and if we, by ourselves control and self efforts are able to control our unreasonable and unbalanced urges, we can claim to be non-violent despite the tiny living beings becoming the innocent victims of our violent activities.
Non-Violence is not any religious ritual to be performed daily at a temple or any sacred pilgrims' place. It is a comprehensive philosophy of life imbibing total significance the twenty-four hours of the day and night of human existence. It is the origin of all the religions of the universe. If humanity is to be defined in one single word, then there is no other word than Non-Violence to cast its true significance.
It is often alleged that Non-Violence is a negative thought and it is not practicable in day-to-day life. Both these allegations prove to be baseless on the basis of extensive research and study work on Non-Violence and the non-violent way of life lived by some of it's votaries.
Mahatma Gandhi staged a bloodless revolution and performed a unique miracle of achieving Freedom for the country. Thus so many other great men have demonstrated by their exemplary lives that Non-Violence is not an impracticable doctrine. It is a complete way of life. It is a sinless, propless adequate and undivisive life-style. So much potency and power is inherent in Non-Violence that it can completely eliminate all degradation and depravity of the mind and inculcate and blossom the buds of priceless human values of equality and peace.
By deep introspection of our inner-self, it is a proven fact that violence, theft, falsehood and immorality do not really constitute our basic nature. We do not intentionally indulge in these four for their sheer so called sins joy or pleasure. We equate them with forsakeable and censurable deeds or actions and we resolve to save ourselves from them as far as possible. Our engrossment is worldly acquisition and attainment desire is the one and the only sin, which we are perpetually committing in our life. Acquisition or attainment motto cannot be construed as a sinful act. On the other hand it is rather a momentous phase of benevolence and sacredness. Therefore our innate urge or desire for acquisition cannot be termed as a condemnable or renunciable act. It does not produce any sense of remorse mortification or guilt in our minds. On the other hand, acquisition or attainment provides us status in the society. Therefore, it is veritably worth our esteem and veneration and it provides sense of happiness. With all these traits and aspects, how can it be pronounced as a sinful act?
Most probably we are mistaken in this concept. It is taken for granted and is also equally correct that violence; falsehood and immorality have no place in our life. Inward
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