Heaven, place of songful plays, Free from worldy foes and fears, Is not the abiding goal of life, But halting place in march of life. 13
Philosophy of Pain and Pleasure
Pleasures, pains of earthly beings, Are mere Self's imagery things, They exist no-where but in mind, Engendered by fantastic whims. 14
No outer things are good or bad, They so become by likes dislikes, A food for one is not for all, It is a well-known fact of life. 15
So all the mates of worldly play, Which look delightful and SO gay, Become how hideous, out of tune, When one is filled with grief and gloom. 16
Ignorance, the Cause of all Ills
7. Being all engrossed in ignorance, Like drunkards under cover of drugs, Wordly being have lost their sense, Of looking things in true colours. 17
8. It is all due to ignorance, That things all distinct and aloof, Like spouse, children, body, wealth, Are all viewed as parts of self. 18