Mandshu, 96. Mandshus, 126, 129. Mangaia, 248, 253, 253 note. Ra, the Sun God in, 255. Ina (moon) in, 255- legend of the Universe in, 258. traditions of, 259. -Jewish and Christian legends, coincidences between, 254Manichæan writings, 64 note. Manit, highest good, 196. Manito, Manitóog, Supreme Spirit,
L:hontaine on, 195. an abstract concept, 196. -meaning of, 196. Manittowock, they are Gods, 195. Mankind divided into twelve races,
Manu, 21, 105.
Marcaja, Armenian, 37.
Marco Polo, on the Mongols, 131 note. Mardak, the god, 122.
Mariette, 102.
Marriage, 89.
Mars, Maruts changed into, 255Maru, in Polynesia, 255. Maruta, storm gods, 255. Matangi and Ananda, 171. Matteo Ricci, 261. Maui, the solar hero, 254, Mauláná 'Abdul Gádir of Badáon,
217. Shirí, 218.
-Jalaluddin of Multán, Qazi of
the realm, 223.
Maxims of Ani, 181. Mazda, 168, 169. Medhurst, Dr., 261. -rendering of Shang-ti, 266.
Mehura, 178.
Mekka, temple of, 80. Mekkah, 113.
Menander, his account of the Turks,
Mesha, inscription of, 122. Mesopotamia, 244.
Metaphors, ancient religion made up of, 196. Mexico, 103.
feast of Huitzil-pochtli in, 206. Spaniards in, 293.
Meyer, A. B., on the Papuas, 238. Milcom, god of the Ammonites, 117,
Melanesian savages, faith of, 19.
Melchizedek, 118.
Melech, or Moloch, 117. Melkarth, Baal of Tyre, 114. Memphis, 101. Men, high dialects the language of,
Milinda Prasna, 73Minos, 88.
Mir Hatshi, killed for introducing religious innovations, 219. Mirza 'Aziz Kokah, 219. Misinterpretation of ancient language, 32.
Missionaries, ignorance of, 194. to the Red Indians, 195. Mitra, 158.
Mlungu, name for God, 44 note. Mnevis, 88.
Moabite stone, the, 116. Moabites, language of the, 86. Moffat, Dr., 282.
on Tsui-goab, 285. Mohammed, 9, 20, 72, 79, 148. worked no miracles, 20. El Fast, 112.
destroys the temple of Taif, 113. Mohammedanism, 53.
books on, 56 note.
among Turanians, 130. Mohesh Mahánand, 217.
Mohsan Fáni, author of the Dabistán, 234Moloch, worship of, 190.
-worshipped at Carthage, etc., 117. Mommsen, 236.
Mongolian, 96.
Buddhist canon in, 18. Mongolians, 125, 129. Mongolic speech, 95.
tribes, 130.
Mongols of Marco Polo's time, 131 note, 132.
Monotheism of Semitic nations, 93Monotheistic religions, 80.