Jumala, deity of the sea, 133 - - air, 134. . - and Tien, 134. Jupiter, 50, 107, 150, 266, 285. - same in India and Italy, 135.
KABIR, 59. Kafir dialect, 98. -- tribes and languages, 98, 99 - or Bântu tribes, 238. - dialects, 239. - belief in a Supreme Being, 277,
278. Kafirs, Negroes, and Polynesians,
ancestor worship among, 40. Kalevála, the epic poem, 134. Kali, worship of, 190. Kalpa-Satra, 61. - sutras, five, 61. Kâmûs, on Eloah, 112. Kanaap, the devil, 282. Kandalas, 171. Kanghee, Imperial dictionary of,
I 28. Kanjur and Tanjur, 60. Kant, 15. - Criticism of Pure Reason, 15. -- Practical Reason, 15. Kanuri dialect, 239. Karens, names among, taken from
incidents of the moment, 292. Kashmir, history of, translated into
Persian, 218. Kassiopeia, 244. Kautantowwit, 48 note. Kefa, Phoenician sailors of the
Mediterranean, 244. Keiskamma, the, 98. Ken and can, 12. Kepheis, or Ethiopia, 244. Kephenes of Babylon, 244. Kepheus or Phoenix, 244. Keshub Chunder Sen, 4, 5. Khedas, six, 61. Khoi-khoi, 273. - and Sa, originally the same race,
273 -tribes understand each other,
Khoi-khoi, grammatical forms, 274. – numerals in, 274. - eldest daughter among, 274. - daily life of the, 275. - religion, 279, 280, 281. -- name for God, 280. - missionaries doubted their having
a religion, 280. - their hymns, 282, 283. Khormuzda, identified with Persian
Hormuzd, 135 note. Kidin-bel-matâti, name of Accadian
king, I 22. Ki-hián, word for God in, 44 note. Kikamba, word for God in, 44 note. Kimtu-rapastu, the Accadian king,
122. King, in Sk. Lat., Teut., and Celt.,
106. King, the, 92. King, above, Zulu belief in, 184,
185. Kings, 105. Kinika, word for God in, 44 note. Ki-pokómo, name for God in, 45
note. Kishn, 227 Kishnjóshí, the, 217. Kissians, country of the, 244. Kisuaheli dialect, 98. Ki-suáheli, word for God in, 44 note. Ki-suaheli dialect of Mombas, name
for God in, 44 note. Kolb, Peter, on Khoi-khoi religion,
280-281. Kongo dialect, 98. Konjära dialect, 239. Koran, 18. - Allâh in the, I13. Kordofan, many dialects about,
241. - Nubian tribes near, 242, Kronos and EI, III, - Kronioi, 112. Kru dialect, 239. Kuenen, Prof., on Eloah, 113 note. - on the word Jahveh, 122, 123. Kush (Ethiopia), 244. Kushites, Kush or Kish, 243. Kushites, came from Asia, 243.