Niebuhr's opinion of the Armenian Ongot of the Tunguses, 132 note.
translation of Eusebius' Chroni- Original religious documents, study cle, 36.
of, 20. Nikáh wives, 222.
Orotal, name of Dionysos, II 3 note. Nile, 239, 242.
-- meaning light or fire of E1, 114 -- true boundary between the Nu-|
note. bian and Kushitic tribes, 242. 'Osa and Zulu dialects, 239. Nimrod, the Kushite, 244.
Osiris, 101, 102. Nine Dharmas, 6o.
Otyi dialect, 239. Niobe, 50.
Otyiherero dialect, 98. Nogat, of the Buriates, 132 note. - name for God in, 45 note. Nöldeke, Prof., on Sacred Books, ou pavós, 155. 64 note.
Ovid, 107. North African tribes, 238.
Oxus, 166. - Negroes, 239. North America, aborigines of, 85. PADRE, monks at Akbar's court, North American Indians, religion 229. of, 194.
Pagan religions not corruptions of Northern Buddhist canon, 60.
the religion of the Old Test., 30. - in China, 63.
Palaces, 105. Nosairis, 64 note.
Paley, 70. Nu, father of gods, vor.
Páli, canon of Buddhists in, 18, 169. Nuba dialect, 239.
Palladius, the Archimandrite, 261. Nubia, its boundaries, 242.
Hallás, 49. Nubian Grammar by Lepsius, •36. Palmyra, compared with Tâyif, 114 -- languages, 98, 242.
note. - not Kushitic, but Bântu, 242. Palmyrene inscriptions, 115, 116. - tribes have a history, 242. Panhellenic Zeus, 86. - inscriptions, 242, 243, 245.
TIávotos, 49. Nubische Grammatik, Lepsius', 236. Pantheism among Red Indians, 195. Num, supreme god of the Samoyedes, Paolo Veronese, 237. 132
Pápá, pope, 229. - or Juma, 132.
Papuans, Malays, and Polynesians, - or Jumala, 134, 137, 138, 139. religions of, 66. Numa, 72.
Papuas, 238, Numerals in Khoi-khoi, 274.
and Hottentots, divergence of Núruddín or Qarári, the poet, 224. their grammars, 238. Nut, heaven, IOI.
Papyrus at Turin, 178. Nuzhat ularwah, 228.
Pachad, fear, used in the sense of
God, 113. OANNES, the fishman, 244. Paris MS. of the Book of Ptahhotep, Oases of language, three, 90.
181. Oigob dialect, 239.
Parler enfantin in religion, 204. olkos, To6 note.
- not yet extinct, 205. Old One, the, 130.
Paropamisus, 166. Old Testament, 18.
Parsis of Bombay, 165. Omorka, 37.
Tlapé évos, 49. On, immolation of his son to Odin,
Parvan, 45 2 293.
Payannas, ten, 61. One God, worship of, 93.
People, a, 84.