Chattaari Mangalam: The four pieties are Arihantaa Mangalam: Arihant Devas are pious. Siddhaa Mangalam: Siddhas are pious
Saahu Mangalam: Saints (sadhuOsadhvi) are pious
Kevali Pannato Dhammo Mangalam: Religion professed by Kevali is pious
Chattaari Loguttamaa: There are four excellences
Arihantaa Loguttamaa: Arihant Devas are excellent Siddhaa Loguttamaa: Siddhas are excellent
Saahu Loguttamaa: Saints (Sadhu-Sadhvi) are excellent Kevali Pannato Dhammo Loguttamaa: Religion professed by Kevali is excellent
Chattaari Sharanam Pavajjaami: I accept the protective refuge of these four
Arihante Sharanam Pavajjaami: Of Arihant
Siddhe Sharanam Pavajjaami : Of Siddha
Sahu Sharanam Pavajjaami: Of Saints
Kevali Pannatam Dhamma Sharanam Pavajjaami: Of the religion professed by kevali
Those who accept these four pieties, four excellences and the four refuges, will cross the ocean of life and end all the Karmas.
Endless happiness of Moksha is obtained, to him who sings their praises faithfully, such beings attain Moksha.
In this world four are the refuges and none else, he who solicits the shelter of these refuges, attains imperishable permanent status.
Nectar dwells at his thumb, is a treasure of powers par excellence, we remember such Guru Gautam who always fulfils our wishes.