Covering subjectwise substance SOOTRA
through sermons spread in 36 chapters (Adhyahans) Stories Real & Symbolic conduct, humility, Modesty knowledge, liberation path, the last words of
teaching of Lord Mahavira covered here. 29) DASHVAIKALIK SOOTRA This is a prime of Monk's Life containing
10 chapters dealing with many basic rules in original form, procedure and guidelines two extension of chapter. (choolika) contains teachings of spiritual interest and protection of monkhood. Hints on traveling alone by foot and
recommendation thereon. 30) NANDI SOOTRA
Description of Five Types of knowledge Appreciation and devotion towards Bahushrut Diginities with Agamic knowledge, Anuyoghar past leaders of Monks (Acharya), Introductory reference to Twelve Anga Sootras. Description of knowledge & Devotion towards
chaturvidh sangha. 31) ANUYOGDWARA SOOTRA Social Cultural, Music, Art, Detailed
description of measurement of time. 32) AVASHYAKA SOOTRA Pratikraman sootras with Six Avashyak. A
must for self purification, rituals reviewing faults / sin committed during, Day, Night, Fortnight, four months Interval & Annual, Seeking Apology for offences to living
beings. 33) DEVENDRA STAVA
Ponderance on eternal happiness of real GRANTH
nature experienced by liberated soul shedding all types of karmas - called Siddha Paramatma, celestial head of
deitis - Indra planet constellations etc. 34) TANDULA VAICHARIK The prime topic here is "Ashuchi
Bhavna". The journey of a human as a foetus in mothers womb, foetal growth, nutrition, labour etc. till the age of 100 years Discourses on detachment are also there.
18181818164 INTRODUCTION TO JAINISM SABASABAST 35) GANI VIDYA GRANTH Description commentary on Astrology,
for casting of future events. 36) AATUR PRATYAKHYAN Directions in the matter of spiritual
interest and peaceful death with
meditated position. 37) MAHAPRATYAKHAN Spiritual & Meditated last moments with
purfification of five great vows of
monks. 38) GACHCHACHAR
Management & administration of PRAKIRNAK
Gachha gains & loss of Boarding &
lodging of monks together. 39) BHAKTA PARIGNA Acceptance of avowed Renunciation
untill death (last moments) last rituals. 40) MARANA SAMADHI Meditated balanced position at last
moment of life. 41) SANSTANK PRAKIRNAK Significcance and glory of "Santharo"
(A vow taken for renouncing from all the sins for lifetime). This aagam consists of guidelines for a peaceful death and other important
information. 42) CHAUSARAN PAEENNA Nature of four ultimate shelters. 43) JEETKALPA SOOTRA Ten Repentance (Prayascheet). Thoughts
on this world 44) MAHANISHEETH
Critical contempt of misdeeds, their SOOTRA
Review, purification and other varied
subjects of strange nature. 45) PINDA NIYUKTI
Discussion on - Acceptable/ Unacceptable food items etc. (Including procedure for collecting them from House holders to be observed by monks.
Note : Serial No. 1 to 11 contains ANGA SHASTRA, 12 to 23 contains UPANGA SHASTRA, 24 to 27 4 CHHED SUTRA, 28 to 32 4 MOOLA SUTRA & AVASHYAK SOOTRA. THEREAFTER 33 TO 42 these 10 ARE PRAKIRNAK Accepted by Moorthi Pujak Sect. 43 to 44 Two are chhed Sootra accpeted by Moorthipoojak as a special ones. 45th is VYAKHYA GRANTH Considered by Moorthipujak as Mool Sootra Aagam.
NOMENCLATORE : Eternal name of 12 Anga Sootra is DWADASHANGI. 12th One is lost Hence only eleven Angas are Mentioned.