Book Title: Introduction To Jainism
Author(s): Gunvant Barvalia
Publisher: SKPG Jain Philosophical and Literary Research Centre

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Page 35
________________ BOS INTRODUCTION TO JAINISM ECONOMY OF JAINISM AND JUSTIFIED WEALTH (VAIBHAV) A question may arise to us, as to what is the relationship between Jainism /Philosophy & Economy? Ironically, How can there ever be a Religion concerned with Economy, Material Monetary aspect with spirituality? An extra ordinary line of thinking of a culture with liberation, as a prime objective, is the gift of Jain Philosophy. Dharma, (Religion, Philosophical Perception), Artha, (Monetary wealth) Kaam (Desire for wordly life for enjoyment) & Moksha (Liberation) are considered as four pillars of the culture. If activities relating to Artha & Kaam are ultimately meant for and have an element of Dharma by implication, the path of liberation is bound to be traced. The modern economy is developed on the basis of materialism. The rules & regulations and principles have, ecomony as their centre point, whereas the economy propagated by Lord Mahavir has, human being and view point of humanity at their centre. If thoughts of Lord Mahavir on Parigraha Pariman (Fixing limit to accumulation of wealth in cash & kinds, in the form of fixed and floating Assets), Ichha Pariman (Limiting & restraining desire for acquisition) wealth by Justified means (Nyaya sampan vaibhava) are implemented, the economy of today will become that of Non violence & peace. Lord Mahavir said "ASAMVIBHAGI NA HU TASSA MOKKHO" meaning there by, one, who does not make a division (share) of Arth i.e. (Money), do not get it dispersed, destroyed through renunciation, cannot attain liberation, salvation or Moksha. Jain philosophy has advised to renounce attachment and staunch ownership feeling in holding wealth i.e. parigraha - (belonging acquisition accumulation of wealth), where as the modern line of thinking evaluated earning wealth in the context of gainful earnings. Where there is no gain (profit) whatsoever, such practice, dealings, or business occupation has no value from economic point of view. Modern economy ignores such person, condition, nature, time, place, purpose of activities or circumstances. In Lord Mahavir's economy, all these aspects such as Friendship, sense of Proportion, passionate and sensible feelings are implied, and corelated. Wealth gained through violent means, Business - trade or 57 ***INTRODUCTION TO JAINISM 33333 industries, where there is heavy violence involved, heavy influx or karmic bondage takes place (Karmadaan of 15 types), Unethical means Deceit and use of means & tools harming others is not treated and considered as wealth acquired by justifiable means and therefore it is not a NYAYA-SAMPANNA VAIBHAVA. The earning, creation, hoarding (accumulation), protection and spending of wealth cannot be the cause of fourfold agony, if that creation carries, a sentiment of purification. Here there is no intention to ensure profit, by hook or crook. The economy of Ethics, Spirituality and Religious thinking is altogether different and unique. SCIENCE, PSYCHOLOGY, SCIENCE OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENT Jainism is scientific, Lord Mahavir was a great scientist. Jain philosophy, pays attention to emotional development beyond intellectual and mental development of a person. If vices like Anger, pride, deceit, greed, Jealousy, fear, contempt, sexuality are removed, the purification of thoughts would take place, which is secret of holiness and health of human beings Jains consider penance as means only for karma nirjara (shedding of) External penance of Jainism such as Fasting, Unodari (eating less than appetite) or Ayambil (tasteless food) items to be consumed once in a day. These diet are best for health also. During fasting period, by not consuming food, the entire digestive system, gets ample rest. In turn cleaning works begins and Purification process takes place. Accumulation of toxin in any part of the body that have taken place, gets diluted through he process of Autolysis and useful elements contained therein are utilized in nourishing important parts of the body such as Heart, Brain etc., poison is thrown out of the body, Knots and tissues of less importance gets dissolved/destroyed. Body becomes clean and free from diseases. Mental diseases are cured through meditation, kayotsarga and relaxing exercises and increases decision power. Recital of "Logassa" activates power of sub conscious mind and thereby helps in reaching spiritual elevation. Postures used in Jain rituals have an impact, spiritual purification as well as activation of certain glands. 58


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