These Tirthas are of Four types viz Sadhu, Sadhvi, Shravak & Shravika and is popularly known as "Chaturvidha Sangha" as titled above.
Lord Mahavira who has established present Tirth under his administration a day after attainment of 'Kewal Gnana' i. e. on 11 of shukla paksha of Vaishakh, arrived at Pavapuri. Here eleven great learned scholars under the leadership of Indrabhooti Gautam came and had discussion on subject of spirituality, and after being satisfactorily convinced with the replies and solution to his doubts, he was enlightened with the sermons and as a result Gautam with his "Brahmin scholars, became sadhus." Ganadharas with Sadhvi Chandanbala etc. formed sangh, when many devoted souls have accepted, Shravak & Shravika Dharma and this four pillars of Chaturvidha Sangha came into existence.
This chaturvidha Sangh, established by Lord Mahavira, as back as about 2570 years ago, is operating even as without any written constitution. Many actitities are being carried out.
Lord Tirthankara established ""Tirth" by saluting and uttering the worlds "NAMO TITHHASA". What a great and pious is the "TIRTH" to whom GOD - Lord Tirthankar Salutes. That is why the chaturvdh Sangh is called "25th Tirthankar".
These sanghas carry out administration of Derasara (Jain temples upashrayas, Jain Bhavans etc. The members of Executive Committees, Trustees, Youth and Mahila Mandals members offering services are considered as "Tapasvis" since they perform "Vaiyavacha" seva of Sangh Consisting of Sadhus, Sadhvis, Shravaka & Shravikas. Therefore they are "Abhyantar Tapasvis".
sha" or "Pravajya". Diksha means to renounce worldly (material) householders' life and accept and commit to live avowed monk's life. In short, path of restraint.
In normal course, before becoming monk, through process of Diksha, one is required to spend a period varying from minimum three years upto seven years in studying scriptures. The language in which their original text is written is Prakrut & Ardhamagadhi. Besides, Jain Agamas they also study of other philosophies. Here the
XSXSXSIISS INTRODUCTION TO JAINISM SASASISKOLA persons seeking Diksha, is called "Vairagi" i. e. one who is disinterested in wordly life and practices detachment. They study observe the practical day to day life of Monks by staying with them during four months charturmas period in Monsoon (rainy season) at one place and in remaining eight months, join them in their vihar yatra i. e. travel by feet from one place to other throughout the country. The knowledge and experience that they gain here helps them in their lifelong monk's life ahead, that they will be following after Diksha.
After completion of this training period of education, if spiritual teacher (Guru) finds him deserving to be a monk, he would be asked by the Guru to seek permission of his parents or Guardians, when Permission for Diksha is obtained from parents he gives permission for Diksha. After that Sangh (i.e. Mahasangha or Conference) add their permission and the day for the Diksha is fixed.
During Diksha festival a procession is organized wherein the "would be monk" publicly donates holy material and money possessed by him. This procession is symbolic representation of his holy desire to renounce all his material & worldly relations and possessions in totality.
In presence of Chaturvidh Sangh, Guru make him utter, as dictated, the vows for Diksha. He confer's on him "Samayik Charitra" Monks character for life (i.e. Unto death) He avows to observe Five Mahavratas and other process for Diksha is carried out.
Detached person seeking Diksha now gets his hair removed and clean shaved in 'Mundan' form and present himself in white claded unstitched Monk's uniform where Guru presents him 'Rajoharan' which is symbolic of Non violence, Jayana i.e. extra minute care to protect living beings with compassion. In this way. Person seeking Diksha renounces the worldly life and is committed to the monks life until death.
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF JAIN MONKS Jain Monks, in this world are like 'wonder' just because their routine of life is extra ordinary and unique, quite different from that of other wordly human beings. These saints strictly observe five great vows i. e. Panch Mahavrats Viz. Non violence, Truth, Non stealing, (Not accepting any thing or item without permission of the owner),