religion trees and flowers are used as offerings. Lord Buddha averred that worshipping Pepal is equivalent to worshipping him. In Buddhism, pepal tree being so popular that it is known by various names such as Bo tree, Bodhi tree, Sacred tree, Beepul tree, Pipers, Pimpal, Jari, Arani, Ashvattha, Ragi, Bodhidruma, Shuchidruma, Pipalla, and the Buddha tree. In Anguttaranikāya Buddha encouraged monks and nuns to seek lonely accommodations in the forest.
The Buddha believed that the solitude and simple living which forest wildernesses offered, were indispensable for rumination. Unlike ascetics of other sects, Buddha did not allow monks to pluck fruits from the forest and requested them to be adjacent to residence in order to get their food. The ascetics of other sects survive on wild fruit and dig up edible roots but Lord Buddha prohibited the monks to pluck fruits.He said that trees never speak harsh words and injure anyone so they should not be harmed. He asked them to be near the human habitation for alins and to get their food. Many Buddhist teachings remind monks and laymen of the importance of showing respect to trees which provide food, shade and protection not only for people but for preserving healthy environment.In Tripitaka itself there are reference of 200 types of trees. Queen Maya, mother of Prince Siddhārtha is depicted with sale tree in Sanchi and Bharhut stupa represent the abundance and riches of nature.
The present study is, therefore intended to propose that the loss of Buddhist values pose the biggest threat to the environment. The management and conservation of flora can be analternative strategy towards the sustainability. Plants play important ritual, symbolic and practical roles in developing and maintaining values towards ecology.It is argued in this paper that these beliefs represent a set of deeply-embedded cultural values and shouldbe disseminated everywhere. Now countries should imitate Sri Lanka, Thailand, USA, and Brazil environmental activists who are applying the principles of Buddhistethics to preserve ecology.The innumerable primary sources like Anguttaranikāya Dīghanikāya, Vinay Pitaka, Jataka,