that those gāthās or hymnal songs were composed in the fifth century CE. But, in truth, the composition of the gāthās was in practice long before the advent of Lord Buddha, and they were known as the gāthā-nārasami. In the Atharvaveda, we find mention of the gāthā-nārasamA; "itihasasca... gāthāsca-nārasamsca.” In the Jātakas like Nritya, Bherivāda, Matsya,Bhadraghatā, Guptila, Vindura-pandita, Kusha and Visvāntara, we get references to music and veenā. In the Matasya-jātaka, we find mention of the ‘meghagīti'. Some scholars are of opinion that this ‘meghagīti' was the ‘megharāga',as the rāgas were known as the rāgagītis in ancient times. The Saptatantri-veenā of the Jataka and the chitrā-veenā of the Nātyasāstra are the forerunners of the modern setāra.
Bengal is undoubtedly the seat of Buddhism. The entire land is dotted with monuments and relics, legends and history that epitomize the birth, the decline and finally the resurrection of Buddhism. From the Hathigumpha Inscription of Kharavela, dated about the 1st century B.C. or 2nd century CE., we come to know that King of Orissa (of Greater Bengal) was proficient in the Gandharvaveda. In the Gupta period (4th century CE.), classical dance and music were used to be patronised by the Gupta rulers. From the excavations of the mounds at MaināmatiLāmāi Riclge at Commillā district and Pāhārpur at Rājshahi district, many figurines of musicians and musical instruments like veenā, venu, trumpet, karatāla or cymbal have been unearthed, and they undoubtedly prove the healthy culture of music in the periods, extending from Gupta to the Pala and Sena one's. During the time of Mahipāla (978-1030 CE.) the practice of Tantric magic and mysticism were in full swing. During this time, the mystic poets composed the Bauddha Gan-o-Dohā, which are known as the charyā and vajra gītis. Some special type of music like baul, nāchādi or lāchādi, gambhirā,etc. were also current at that time.
It is true that, there is no direct influence of Buddhism on Bengalee culture but it is indebted to Buddhism indirectly. The music of Bengal includes multiple indigenous musical genres