Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 50 Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar Publisher: Swati Publications View full book textPage 5
________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY A JOURNAL OF ORIENTAL RESEARCH VOLUME L-1921 THE HISTORY OF THE NIZAM SHAHÍ KINGS OF AĦMADNAGAR. BY LIEUT..COLONEL T. W, HAIG, C.S.I., C.M.G., C.B.E (Continued from Vol. XLIX, p. 224.) XLIV-AN ACCOUNT OF THE REASONS FOR THE OVERTHROW OF 'ALI BARID SHIK'S POWER, AND OF THE CAPTURE FROM HIM OF KANDHÅR. Quem Deus vult perdere prius demental ; and thus it came about that 'Ali Barid Shah committed foolish and base acts. First there was the facetiousness of Khân Jahận at the expense of Shâh Tâhir, 111 then 'Ali Barid Shah's alliance with Ibrahîm 'Adil Shâh, next his attempt to conquer Telingana, which things led in the end to the loss of most of his kingdom. Yet did not the king at once seek his overthrow, but remembered the services of his father. In A.H. 949 (A.D. 1542-43). As some say, the king again bethought himself of recapturing Sholapûr, which had been taken from his troops, and the desire for recovering which had been a continual source of strife. He therefore assembled his army with the object of attacking Ibrâhim - Adil Shâh, and marched to the bank of the Gang (Godaveri), where he encamped. As soon as Darya 'Imad Shâh heard of the approach of the royal army, he assembled his troops and joined the king, having the honour of being admitted to an audience. Burhan Nizâm Shâh now decided to give 'Ali Barid Shah one more chance of strengthening himself, by entering into an alliance with him and by submitting himself to his court, and therefore sent Shah Tahir on an embassy to Bidar. Before Shah Tâhir's arrival, the envoy of Ibrâhîın 'Adil Shah had come to summon 'Ali Barid Shah, and 'Ali Barid Shah had agreed to wait on Ibrahim Adil Shah ; but after Shah Tâhir's arrival, Ali Barid Shâh withdrew from this engagement and dismissed the envoy of Btjápar, who returned without accomplishing his object. Shah Tâhir then, succeeded in persuading 'Ali Barid Shâh to enter into a treaty, and 'Ali Barfd accompanied Shah Tahir on his return to the royal camp, and, all his anxiety having been removed, appeared before the king and made his obeisance. 111 See ante, XLIX, 220 Khan Jahan's jest was coarse and foolish. He said to Shah Tahir, "L the dungl of Bakhard olean (tahir) or unoloan ?" Shah Tahir replied that he had not his books with him and so could not refer to them for the answer, but that he would look the question up when he retumed to Abmadnagar and let Khan Jahan know. The threat was well understood. Both the date and Burhan's objeоtive as given in this section are wrong, for the section refers to the campaign which ended in the treaty by which Burhan was to be permitted to capture Kandhar and this campaign occurred in 1844. Burhån, at the instigation of Sadashivaraya, marched to Gulbargu and besieged it. Ibrahim Adil Shah marched to the relief of the place, but was delayed for two months on the banks of the Bhima, which was swollen with the rains and the line of which was held by Burhan's troops. In October he succeeded in forcing a passage and utterly defeated Burhan. About this time Sholapar also appears to have been recovered by Ibrahim.Page Navigation
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