Book Title: Harmony of All Religions
Author(s): Parmahans Maharaj, Veena Rani Howard
Publisher: USA Santmat Society of North America
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khairu, wa huwa 'ala kulli shai-in Qadeer. “There is none worthy of worship, but Allah; He is One and has no partner. All praises are for Him. He is the life giver and the cause of death. All well being is from Him and He has power over all things.”
5. Kalimai Istigafar: Astaghfirullaha Rabii min kulli dhanbin adhnabtahu amadan aw khataan, sirran aw alani-yatan wa atubu illaih minadh-dhanbilladhi, la a'lamu, innaka anta allamul ghayub, wa sattar ul'uyoubi, wa ghaffarudh-dhunubi, wa la hawla wa la quwwatta illa billahil alliyyil 'adheem. “I seek forgiveness for all my sins, those which I have committed knowingly as well as unknowingly. Whether they were committed in the open or in secret I ask for forgiveness for all these sins. Allah, You are the knower of the other world and our fate. You are the concealer of our sins and mistakes and the forgiver of our sins and weaknesses. There is no power or strength except from Allah, the Most High.”
6. Kalimai Raddi-Kufr: Allahumma inni a'oozu bika min an ushrika bika shai'an wa ana a'lamu wa astaghfiruka lima la a'lamu innaka anta 'Allam ul-ghuyoobi tubtu 'anhu wa tabarr'atu 'an kulli deenin siwa deen il-Islami wa aslamtu wa aqoolu la ilaha ill-Allahu Muhammad-ur-rasool-ullah. “O Allah! Verily I seek refuge in Thee from associating any partner with Thee