Book Title: Fundamentals Of Jainism
Author(s): Champat Rai Jain
Publisher: Veer Nirvan Bharti

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Page 72
________________ FUNDAMENTALS OF JAINISM It is true that the siddhâtmans do not concern themselves with the affairs of men-peither does the Over-Lord of theology, for the matter of that, else we should not have terrible slaughter of men in wars to say nothing of other calamities which periodically befall mankind-but it is no less true that no righteous request of any true follower of Theirs ever remains unsatisfied. The explanation of this seemingly inconsistent statement is to be found in the fact that the will of a true believer (he who actually believes that the Holy Ones are possessed of all kinds of perfection, and are now residing at the top of the universe, enjoying the highest form of bliss) is potent enough to attract to itself all kinds of conditions of prosperity, and is also capable of drawing the attention of the higher order of beings (residents of heavens and other kinds of powerful beings) who can grant every wish in the twinkling of an eye. To revert to the rules of conduct laid down for an ascetic, it is to be observed that he does not adopt the life of hardship under any external compulsion, but from a conviction of its being the only path to perfection and joy. He knows that every weakness overcomc is a clear gain, and remains cheerful under the severest trials and mishpas. As he advances steadily along the path, he soon begins to feel the natural delight of his soul, compared with which the ease and pleasure of millionaires and great potentates of the world loses all its fascination in his sight. Onward and onward does he press, makng fresh conquests everyday till the all-illumining effulgence of kevala jnana bursts on his consciousness from within, on the breaking up of the clouds of ignorance and sin amassed together by the four kinds of his ghatiâ karmas. The shock of the destruction of the last knot of karmic bonds is felt by the Rulers of the heaven-worlds, and they immediately set out to offer worship and adoration to the conqucring jiva Worshipped and adored by devas and men, the Conqueror lingers in the world of men till His aghatia karmas are worked off, when He rises to the top of the universe to reside there, for ever, in the enjoyment of all those divine qualities and attributes which people associate with their Gods. It would not be amiss to say a few words here about the nature of the 'shock' which is occasioned by the manifestation of


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