The essence of all religion
The essence of all religion
Questioner: How does this bhaavna for the salvation of the world work?
Dadashri : The words that you utter will be such that the other person's work will be done.
Dadashri : Of course! These are the words of a 'Gnani Purush'. Is there a difference between a letter from the President and one from an ordinary businessman? Yes. So these are the words from the highest source, a Gnani Purush. One will not be able to understand this with his intellect. This is beyond intellect.
Questioner : Are you talking about relative material benefits or real benefits that lead to liberation?
Questioner: But will we not have to do what is written in order to put it into practice?
Dadashri : No, not for the body. We should only be concerned about that which takes us towards Self-Realization. Thereafter, with the aid of the Real, progress will happen in the relative realm. You have to develop a bhaavna for doing jagat kalyan (salvation of the world). You should not say it just for the sake of saying it. You have to have the bhaavna. People just merely say these words as if they are reciting slokas (holy chants).
Questioner: Instead of sitting idle, wouldn't it be highly beneficial to do these bhaavnas?
Dadashri : No. All you have to do is to read it. It will automatically come into your daily life. So keep the book with you all the time and read it daily. You will know all the Gnan that is within. As you read them daily, these bhavnaas will become part of your daily life. You will become an embodiment of these bhavnaas. At the moment you do not know what benefits you are getting. Later you will know their value exactly.
Dadashri : That would be very good. At least all the negative bhaavs are destroyed. A lot of good comes out of this.
Questioner : Can you call that bhaavna, a mechanical bhaavna?
Asking for the strength will result in a change in your behavior of the kind that you desire. That is why you must keep asking for strength from Dada Bhagwan. Dada Bhagwan has infinite power to give you whatever you ask. So what will happen when you ask?
Questioner: We will receive the strength.
Dadashri : No. How can you call it mechanical? It is mechanical when one keeps on repeating it like a parrot, without awareness.
Dadashri : Yes you will get the strength to carry all this out, after which you will be able to conduct yourself according to the kalams. Without that you will not be able to do so. So keep asking for these inner strengths. You do not have to do anything else. It is not possible to do right away everything as it is written. You simply have to know how much of it you are able to do or not able to do. Ask for
Questioner: It is written here, "Give me strength... give me strength...'Do we get the strength just by asking for it?