With unflinching devotion I offer my salutations to Sarvagna Shree Dada Bhagwan who is present in Bharat Kshetra (this world ).
10. Dada Bhagwan na sarve Gnani Mahatmao ne atyant bhakti poorvak namaskar karu chhu.
With extreme devotion, I offer my salutations to all Gnani Mahatmas of Dada Bhagwan.
11. Aakha bramhanda na jeev matra na “REAL SWAROOP" ne atyant bhakti poorvak namaskar karu chhu.
4. Pratyaksh "Dada Bhagwan"ni saakshiye vartmaane Mahavideh kshetra tatha anya kshetroma vihurmaan "Tirthankar Sahebo ne" atyant bhakti poorvak namaskar karu chhu.
(5) With Dada Bhagwan as my witness, with extreme devotion I offer my salutations to Tirthankar Sahebs who are present in Mahavideh and other Kshetras.
5. Vitraag shaasan dev-deviyo ne atyant bhakti poorvak namskar karu chhu.
(5) I offer my salutations with extreme devotion to Vitraag Saashan Dev and Devis.
6. Nispakshpati shaasan dev-deviyo ne atyant bhakti poorvak namaskar karu chhu
I offer my salutations with extreme devotion to Nispakshapati Saashan Dev and Devis.
7. Chauvees Tirthankar bhagwanto ne atyant bhakti poorvak namaskar karu chhu.
(5) I offer my salutations with extreme devotion to 24 Tirthankars Bhagwans.
8. Shree Krishna Bhagwan ne atyant bhakti poorvak namaskar karu chhu.
(5) I offer my salutations with extreme devotion to Shree Krishna Bhagwan.
9. Bharat kshetre haal vicharta Sarvagna Shree Dada Bhagwan ne nischay thi atyant bhakti poorvak namaskar karu chhu.
With extreme devotion, I offer my salutations to the "REAL SELF" in all living forms of this universe.
12. Real Swaroop ey bhagvat swaroop chhe, jethi aakha jagat na bhagvat swaroope darshan karu chhu. (5)
The "REAL SELF" is "God" and so I see God in all living beings
13. Real Swaroop ey Shuddhatma swaroop chhe, jethi aakha jagat ne Shuddhatma swaroope darshan karu chhu.
The "REAL SELF" is the "Pure Self” and so I see the "Pure Self" in all living beings.
14. Real Swaroop ey tutva swaroop che, jethi aakha jagat ne tutva gnane karine darshan karu chhu. (5)
The "REAL SELF" is "Elemental Self " and so I see the entire world through Tatvagnan or "Elemental Knowledge".