The essence of all religion
Only these bhaavanas will carry forward with you. These events have no support so they wither away. No matter how wonderful the occasion, it will pass. These bhaavanas have to be invoked, but the results will come into effect later on.
Questioner: But it is because of the events that our bhaavs, then are we not to change that bhaav by using these bhaavnas in the nine kalam?
Dadashri : That will not help. Whatever positive deeds you have done in your previous life will help you now. Had you started this process in your previous life, then you would be able to change completely in this life.
Questioner: Are the current events the result of bhaavs from the previous life?
Dadashri: Yes, only bhaav will come into effect. Nothing else will. Bhaav is the seed, and dravya (that which unfolds as events in this life) is the effect. Dravya is the crop of the seeds. If you plant just one tiny corn seed you will get many corn on the cob.
These kalams are merely to be spoken. You have to do these bhaavnas everyday. In essence it is the seed that we are planting. Having planted it, just wait and watch the effect whenever it comes forth. But until then you have to nurture it and fertilize it. Otherwise there is nothing that needs to be changed as the events unfold in this life. Whatever these events are, they are the effects of your bhaavnas of the past life.
What is it that these nine kalams say? 'Dear Dada, give me the strength.' And what do people say instead? They say that it is not possible to abide by these kalams. But, you are not supposed abide by these kalams. Everyone in this world
The essence of all religion
says "do this, do that, do the other!" Nothing needs to be done, one just has to 'know' and 'understand.' Do pratikraman for all the negative things that you do. From the moment you say, 'I do not want to do it you are changing your opinion. By the very fact that you have changed your opinion, you have become separate from the event. This is the secret of the path of liberation. The world is not aware of it.
Questioner: Are these people striving to make changes in the discharge, the effect, the result?
Dadashri: Yes, because the world does not know of this secret. They have no clue. I am trying to free you from your opinions. Through this satsang of these kalams, you have formed a new opinion that it is wrong to hurt anyone's ego. Previously you had the opinion that this was allowed depending on your views of the situation. Such misunderstanding is the reason for this world of yours in this life. Now that you have changed this opinion, you will be liberated. You must make sure that you do not change this new opinion, under any circumstance.
If you say these nine kalams everyday, then gradually your conflicts with everyone will end. Now only the effects of your previous life remain and even these too will gradually
(Mahatmas is the term used by Dadashri for those who have been graced with Gnan, the Knowledge of The Self, through the Gnan Vidhi.
Please note that up until now, Dadashri has used the