Book Title: Contemporaneity and Chronology of Mahavira and Buddha
Author(s): Nagrajmuni, Mahendramuni
Publisher: Today and Tomorrows Book Agency
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Dr. Jackobis Second Approach
11 characteristic of Indian monarchs, of patronage towards all schools."
Dr. Radha Kumud Mukherjee, the renowned historian, has also proved on the basis of the Samannya-phala Sutta that Ajātšatru was a mere sympathizer, and not a follower of Buddha.? Koņika in the Jain Tradition
According to the Jain tradition, Konika was a staunch and devoted follower of Mahāvīra. He went so far as to establish a separate department headed by a special officer exclusively for the purpose of keeping himself informed of the activities of Mahāvīra's daily life. The officer was called Pravrttivăduka, one who speaks of the activities. He was assisted by a number of subordinates, who used to communicate the news to him. The Pravýtti vāduka after editing the news, finally conveyed it to king Koņika.?” No soonerdid king Koņika receive the news of Mahāvīra's arrival in the suburb of Campā, capital of his state, while sitting in his court assembly, than he stood up
1. Hindu Sabhyatā, P. 191. 2. Tassaņam Koniyassa ekke purise viulakae vihie bhagvau pavittiväue, bhagvau taddevasiyam pavitti ņivei !
Tassanam purisassa bahave anegapurisā dina bhatti bhattaveyaņā bhagvato pavittivāuya bhagvato taddevasiyam pavittim nivedamti !
Aupapătika Sutra, Samavasarana Adhikära, 10. 3. Tenam kälenam tenam samaenam konie rāyā bhambhasāraputte
bāhārīyä uivatthänasäläe anega gananāyaka damdanāyaga. Saddhim samparivude viharai ! Teņam kāleņam tenam samayeņam Samane bhayavam Mahavire............... Suhamsuhe Viharamāne campāeņayarīe bahiyā uvanagaragāmam uvāgae! Campānagari puņņabhadda ceiyam samosariokāme! Tattepam se pavittivāue imise kahäe laddhatthe sainane............campāņayarie majjhammajjhenam................ jeneva kopivassarannegihe......... ......jeneva koniyarāyā bhambhasăraputte teneva uvāgcchai,
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