Book Title: Contemporaneity and Chronology of Mahavira and Buddha
Author(s): Nagrajmuni, Mahendramuni
Publisher: Today and Tomorrows Book Agency
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Mahāvīra and Buddha
has tried to misinterpret the Sammānnyaphala Sutta of the Digha Nikāya. Presenting his argument, he writes : “The minister of the king Ajātaśatru tells? him 'O king! This Niggantha Nātaputta is having an assembly (of Bhikkhus) and a crowd (of followers), and is the pontiff of the order, a well known teacher, a famous leader and considered excellent by the multitude. He is long-ordained and middleaged. This shows that Mahāvīra was middle-aged (i.e. fifty years old), while Buddha was old.” Now, if we study the above chapter with its fullest context, we find that it clearly describes Mahāvīra as middle-aged, and Buddha as young. For, the minister, here, intends to narrate the merits of Mahāvīra, and the word 'middle-aged', when used to exhibit a merit, should imply seniority. Secondly, in the above chapter of the Digha Nikāya, all the other rival teachers of Buddha viz. Gośālaka, Sañjya Balatthiputta, etc. are also described as “long ordained" and, ‘middle-aged', while in the context of Buddha, no such adjectives are
1. Op. cit. p. 4. 2. Avyam deva nigantho nātaputto samghi ceva gani ca
ganācāriyo ca pato yasassi titthakaro sādhusṁmato bahujanassa rattassū cirapavvajito addhagatavayo anupttāti. -Digha Nikāya, Vol. 1, pp. 48, 49 (Quoted from ibid, p. 4). In the original Pāli tex', here, two words--'addhagato' and 'Vayoanupattā' are used. We find a frequent use of these words in the Pāli texts. See, for example, the Culla-vagga, Samgha Bhedaka Khandaka, Suita Nipāta, Säbhiya Sutta ; Rhys Davids has translated these words as 'he' has accomplished a long journey ; and his term of life is nearly run.' (S B.E. Vol. XVII, p.......); V. Fousboll has translated them as 'advanced in years' and 'having reached old age' SB.E. Vol X. p. 26) Rahul Sankrityayana translates them as' adhvagata, and vauch anuprāpta' (See, his Hindi Translation).
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