Calcutta, a few decades ago. These seven works are the following (i) Yugarradhāna Catushpadikā (ii) Ratnapariksha (iii) Vastusāra (iv) Jyotishasāra (v) Ganitasāra-Kaumudi v) Dhatütpatti, and (vii) Dravyapariksha. All these seven works were published in a single volume in 1961, from Jodhpur, Rajasthan 250. His earliest work viz. the Yugapradhana Catushpadika was written according to the evidence of the poem itself351, in V.S. 1347, at Kannana or Kanyānayana near Delhi. He belonged to Dhandhakula according to his Ratnapariksha963, and in the KB258, he is represented as belonging to the Śrimāla vařśa. His three works Ratnaparikshā, Jyotishasāra and Vastusāra were written in V.S. 1372. And the Dravyaparīkshā was composed in V.S, 1375. We have already seen that the KB supplies another date for him, namely, V.S. 1380.
The Dravyaparikshā*68, is a work of outstanding importance for the students of the Indian numismatics. He has not only mentioned the contemporary coins of Ala-Ud-din and other Muslim rulers, but also many types of coins of different regions of Northern India, namely those of Gujarat, of various dynasties of Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. Even the coins of Deccan have been mentioned by Pheru. This gifted Jain writer was the officer-in-charge of the treasury (tarkašala) 2 6 6 of Delhi, during the time of Ala-Ud-din and his immediate successors. He had perfect knowledge about different types of metals and a good knowledge of the chemical sciences. Among the prominent coins, mentioned by him, we can refer to the coins of Devagiri king Singhaņa (1200-1247)266, and of Kumärapāla of Tribhuvanagiri257. He has also mentioned the coins of the Candellas258, and also Mahoba (a Candella town)*59. The coins of the Pratihāra Bhoja have been mentioned 260. The silver coins of Candragupta Vikramāditya have also been described in this work 281. The coins of Kumārapāla, Ajayapāla, Bhima II, Lavaṇaprasāda, Visaladeva, Arjunadeva etc., belonging to Gujarat, have been mentioned by Pheru2 82. There is a