Book Title: Book Reviews
Author(s): J W De Jong
Publisher: J W De Jong

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________________ REVIEWS 223 volumes. For these reasons the Kleine Schriften form an indispensable supplement to his history of Indian philosophy. Not reprinted in this volume are the articles published by Frauwallner since 1962, which all appeared in the Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens. They comprise a series of articles on Abhidharma and another one on Raghunātha Siromani. Probably only very few specialists will be able to read Frauwallner's articles on Raghunātha Siromaņi, but among students of Buddhism there is undoubtedly a great interest for his Abhidharma studies and a separate publication would be very welcome. This volume does not contain a complete bibliography as found in other volumes published in the same series. The editors refer to the bibliography of Frauwallner's publications in volume 20 of the WZKS (pp. 19-36), and list two additions to the section "Würdigungen". An item missing in this bibliography is Frau wallner's Introduction (pp. 1-6) to Muni Jambūvijayaji's edition of the first part of Mallavādin's Nayacakra published in Bhavnagar in 1966 (cf. IIJ 13, 1971, p. 145). M. Nagatomi, B. K. Matilal, J. M. Masson, and E. C. Dimock Jr. (eds.), Sanskrit and Indian Studies. Essays in Honour of Daniel H. H. Ingalls, Dordrecht, D. Reidel Publ. Co., 1980. xii, 267 pp. Dfl. 75.-. Daniel Henry Holmes Ingalls (born 4.5.1916) is mainly known as the author of two books of outstanding merit: Some Materials for the Study of Navya-Nyāya Logic (Harvard Oriental Series, vol. 40, 1951) and An Anthology of Sanskrit Court Poetry (Harvard Oriental Series, vol. 44, 1965). As Wales Professor of Sanskrit he has been an inspiring teacher for several generations of students at Harvard University. This volume is a fitting tribute to a great scholar and guru. The fourteen articles in this volume are written by former students of Ingalls and by scholars who have been closely associated with him. The topics studied belong to various branches of Indian studies. Buddhist philosophy is represented by three papers: Masaaki Hattori, Apoha and Pratibhā (pp. 61-73); Musashi Tachikawa, A Logical Analysis of the Mülamadhyamakakärikā (pp. 159-181); Masatoshi Nagatomi, Manasa-Pratyaksa: A Conundrum in the Buddhist Pramana System (pp. 243-260). Indian philosophical problems are studied in the following two papers: Bimal Krishna Matilal, Double Negation in Navya-Nyāya (pp. 1-10); Karl H. Potter, Was Gaudapā da an Idealist? (pp. 183-199). The remaining nine papers deal with poetics: J. Moussaieff Masson, Authorship Problem of the Dhvanyaloka (pp. 11-31); grammar: S. D. Joshi, The Contribution of R. G. Bhandarkar to the Study of Sanskrit Grammar (pp. 33-60); Vedic ritual: Frits Staal, Ritual Syntax (pp. 119-142); Vedic litany: J. Gonda, The Satarudriya (pp. 75-91); mythology: Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty, Death as a Dancer in Hindu Mythology (pp. 201-216); semasiology: Minoru Hara, Hindu Concepts of Teacher, Sanskrit Guru and Ācārya (pp. 93-118); astronomy: David Pingree, The Khetamuktavali of NȚsimha (pp. 143157); Tamil literature: George L. Hart III, The Little Devotee: Cēkkilar's Story of Ciruttontar (pp. 217-236); Bengali literature: Edward C. Dimock Jr., On Impersonality and Bengali Religious Biography (pp. 237-242). The great diversity of topics in this volume reflects the many interests of Ingalls. Only a few articles require from the reader a more specialised knowledge of the topics treated by their authors. For instance, David Pingree's contribution has remained a closed book for the reviewer. However, most of the articles can be read with profit even by those who are not specialists in a particular field of study. It is to be regretted that many Sanskrit texts quoted in this volume are disfigured by misprints. This is the case in particular with regard to Potter's article in which the following misprints have to be corrected: p. 186 - 11.17 read Sarpadhārādibhir; II. 18 read Indo-Iranian Journal 27 (1984)


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