Phyllis Emily Granoff: The Khandanakhandakhadya. Robert Erwin Gussner: Hymns of Praise: A Textual-critical Analysis of Selected Vedāntic Stotras Attributed to Sankara with Reference to the Question of Authenticity. Kendall Wayne Folkert: Two Jaina Approaches to Non-Jainas: Patterns and Implications. Abidullah Ghazi: Raja Rammohun Rou (1772-1833): Encounter with Islam and Christianity, the Articulation of Hindu Self-Consciousness. Walter George Neevel: Yamuna's Pāñcarātrika Vedānta. Robert Walter Stevenson: Historical Change in Scriptural Interpretation: A Comparative Study of Classical and Contemporary Commentaries on the Bhagavadgītā. Sheldon Ivan Pollock: Aspects of Versification in Sanskrit Lyric Poetry. Musashi Tachikawa: The Structure of the World in Udayana's Realism. Indira Viswanathan Shetterly: Recurrence and Structure in Sanskrit Literary Epic: A Study of Bhäravi's Kirātārjunīya. Thomas Bowen Coburn: The Crystallization of the Worship of the Goddess: The Sources and Context of the Devi-mahātmya. Diana L. Eck: Banāras: City of Light; The Sacred Places and Praises of Kāśi. John Stratton Hawley: The Butter Thief. Kenneth Langer: Women and Love in Sanskrit Court Poetry: A Semantic Approach. Donna Marie Wulff: Drama as a Mode of Religious Realization: The Vidagdhamadhava of Rūpa Gosvāmin. Douglas Graeme MacQueen: A Study of the Srāmanyaphala Sūtra. Randall Blake Michael: Astāvarana in the Sunyasampādane: Patterns of Religious Association in Fifteenth-Century Virasaivism. Arvind Sharma: The Gītārthasangraha of Abhinavagupta. Muneo Tokunaga: The Text and Legends of the BỊhaddevatā. Gary Alan Tubb: The Kumarasambhava in the Light of Indian Theories of the Mahākāvya. Malcolm David Eckel: A Question of Nihilism: Bhāvaviveka's Responses to the Fundamental Problems of Madhyamika Philosophy. Wash Edward Hale: Asura-in Early Vedic Religion. Noel Kantilal Sheth: The Divinity of Krishna as it Appears in the Harivarsa, the Visnu Purana and the Bhagavata Purāna. Hugh Meredith Flick: The Compilation and Proliferation of the Nītiśāstra of Masārāksa. Ruth Cecily Katz: Arjuna in the Mahābhārata: Hero, Human, and Devotee. Stephen Hall Phillips: Aurobindo's Philosophy of Brahman.
David Seyfort Ruegg, The Literature of the Madhyamaka School of Philosophy in India (A History of Indian Literature, Vol. VII, fasc. 1). Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1981. IX, 146 pp. DM 84.-.
Seyfort Ruegg's book on the literature of the Madhyamaka is the first modern history of this Buddhist school. In Winternitz's A History of Indian Literature the whole Madhyamaka literature is treated in twelve pages (Volume II, Calcutta, 1933, pp. 341-352). Although much work has been done in this field by both Western and Japanese scholars, many problems remain to be solved. Important texts which are available in Tibetan and Chinese translations have been studied only cursorily, or not at all. The authorship of several texts is often difficult
Indo-Iranian Journal 27 (1984)