Book Title: Bhattoji Diksita On Sphota
Author(s): Johannes Bronkhorst
Publisher: Johannes Bronkhorst

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Page 26
________________ 28 JOHANNES BRONKHORST dvirvacane pürvatra kartavye jaštvam asiddham athāpi pūrvatrāsiddhiyam advirvacana iti siddham, sarvathobibjisatiti prāpnoti/; Bhattoji next shows Kaiyata's position to be wrong. Occasionally someone else is called prāc, sometimes Patañjali himself. This seems to be the case in the following passage: Bhattoji Dīksita, Sabdakaustubha (ed. Nene et al.) I p. 108 1.3-5: yat tu dvirvacane 'ci' iti sütre aci kim? jeghriyate dedhmiyate iti prācām pratyudaharanam, tad āpātatah appears to refer to Mahā-bh I p. 155 1.16 (on P. 1.1.59): ajgrahanasyaitat prayojanam iha mā bhūt jeghriyate dedhmīyata iti . 47 Cp. Sitaram Shastri's introduction to his edition of the Praudha Manoramā, p. (4) Bhattoji Dīksita, Praudha Manoramā (ed. Sitaram Shastri) p. 404-405. 49 Bhattoji's use of prāc in the Praudha Manoramā is not fully consistent. Consider the following passages, where he clearly copies Sesa Krsna in referring to Vitthala in this manner: (i) Bhattoji Dīksita, Praudha Manorama I p. 559: yat tu prāñcah: 'āpi' iti kakāraviśesanam/ 'sarvikā' it yādau tv ekādeśasya sthānivadbhāvād akārena vyavadhāne 'pi vacanasamarthyad bhavisyati iti/ tan na / (ii) Sesa Krsna, Prakāśa I p. 433: 'äpi' iti ... / atah kakāraviśesanam / ... / 'sarvikā' it yādau tv ekādeśasya sthānivadbhāvād akāreņa vyavadhāne 'pi vacanasāmarthyad bhavisyati iti prāñcah / vastutas tu ... (iii) Vitthala, Prasāda I p. 328: nanu căpity anena kim višesyate / yady ucyeta kakāra iti tadā sarvikā kārikety atrāpi na syāt akārena vyavadhānāt na ca vācyam ekādese krte nästi vyavadhānam iti tasya "acah parasmin ...' iti sthānivadbhāvād iti ced ucyate / yena nāvyavadhānam tena vyavahite 'pi vacanaprāmānyād ity ekena varnena vyavadhanam āśrīyate /. 50 Bhattoji Dīksita, Praudha Manoramā (ed. Sitaram Shastri) p. 531. See also note 45, above. 31 See the examples given in Sitaram Shastri's introduction to his edition of the Praudha Manorama p. (5) n. 2. 52 Bhattoji Dīksita, Praudha Manorama (ed. Sitaram Shastri) p. 500. 53 Sesa Krsna, Prakāśa I p. 340 1.14. 54 Bhattoji Dīksita, Praudha Manoramā (ed. Sitaram Shastri) p. 484. 55 Sesa Krsna, Prakāśa I p. 335 1.21-22. Occasionally an unspecified plural refers to both Vitthala and Sesa Krsna, as in Bhattoji Dīksita, Praudha Manoramā (ed. Sitaram Shastri) p. 434, where yat tu vadanti: 'evam sati supi ca iti dirghatvam syād' iti / tan na / rejects an opinion held by both these authors, but whose formulation follows Vitthala (Vitthala, Prasāda I p. 195 1.19-20; sesa Krsna, Prakāśa I p. 293 1.15). For further examples see Sitaram Shastri's introduction to his edition of the Praudha Manoramā p. (4)–(5) n. 4. 56 Bhattoji Dīksita, Praudha Manorama (ed. Sitaram Shastri) p. 412. 57 Šesa Krsna, Prakāśa I p.268 1.12–13. 58 Bhattoji Dīksita, Praudha Manoramā (ed. Sitaram Shastri) p. 68-69: yat tu 'ika eva sthāne stah' iti prācă vyākhyātam, yac ca tattīkākstoktam 'aniyamaprasange niyamārtham idam' it yādi, tat sarvam bhāsyavirodhāt upeksyam. Both commentaries on the Prakriyäkaumudi have: aniyamaprasange niyamo vidhiyate (Vitthala, Prasada I p. 30 1.22; Sesa Krsna, Prakāśa I p. 52 1.14). 59 This is clear from Jagannatha's passage cited in note 43, above. A pupil of Bhattoji, called Varadarāja, composed several abridgments of the Siddhāntakaumudi. A surviving manuscript of one of those, the Laghusiddhāntakaumudī, dates from 1624 C.E. This text refers to the Sabdakaustubha, but not to the Manorama in a context where one would expect this. It follows that the Siddhantakaumudī and the Sabdakaustubha were composed at any rate before 1624. A later work by Varadarāja, the Gīrvänapadamañjarī, does mention the Manoramā. See Gode, 1941a: 320 ff. Gode points out in another publication (1940: n. 1) that manuscripts of the Praudha Manorama dating from 1652 and 1657 C.E. have been preserved in the


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