Book Title: Amar Vani Author(s): Amarmuni Publisher: Sanmati Gyan Pith Agra View full book textPage 7
________________ attrịbutes of his soul, to know and unders and the universal moral order, and thereby to realize the Truth, Beauty and Goodness of life. These are the exhortations of a renowned Jain Muni, but they are by no means sectarian : they are universally applicable to man in all conditions, in all places and in all times. These are the exhortations of a spiritual scientist who, raising himself above all illusions of caste, creed or nationality, has realized the Eternal Truths of life as clearly and concretely as the scientist realizes the working of the physical phenomena in his laboratory. The exhortations of such a spiritual adept cannot fail to hold a beacon light to steer the path of humanity groping in the dark alleys and by-ways of temptations and illusions. The discovery and realization of Peace has been the one great ideal of man since times immemorial. But man has not succeeded in achieving his ideal to this day. Peace has been eluding man's grasp because his efforts have ever been misdirected. Man has sought to discover peace in the fulfilment of his ever-multiplying desires and in the acquisition of material power and wealth. The faster man runs after them, the farther peace recedes from him. In this game of hide-and-seek with Peace, man has lost all his contentment and bliss of life. Therefore the reverend Munishri says : “The real living peace is to be discovered within the soul of man, and not in the world outside. Real peace emerges when man succeeds in curtailing his desires and controlling his passions ; when the intense desire for human service awakens in the heart of man, and when the 'self' of man merges itself in the life of humanity. Then .and only then man can discover Peace." (viii) Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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