Book Title: Agam 44 Chulika 01 Nandi Sutra English Translation
Author(s): Dipratnasagar, Deepratnasagar
Publisher: Deepratnasagar

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Page 115
________________ NandiSootra purvas. These also are the samyak shrut of all the knowers of the ten purvas. There is an ambiguity about those who know less than this. Their shrut may and may not be the samyak shrut. This concludes the description of samyak shrut. COMMENTARY -Samyak shrut means the pure and direct knowledge of the true reality. Seven adjectives have been used here; for the propagators of such knowledge -- Arhat - Those who have made, their soul absolutely pure by rooting out the influence of tough vitiating karmas as well as the spiritual vices like attachment, aversion, lust, and anger. And consequently wiped out the cause of rebirth. Bhagavant - Those great souls that are endowed with great altruistic virtues like ultimate grandeur, unlimited power, all enveloping fame, extreme radiance, transparently pure spirituality, and untiring endeavour directed at incessant flow of spontaneous compassion. Utpanna Jnana-darshan dharak - Those who have been enlightened and endowed with self realized direct perception and knowledge Knowledge and perception can be acquired indirectly with the help of studies, listening, practice, and other means. This is not self realized direct knowledge but indirect knowledge. Samadrit and namaskrit - Those who are revered because they spread the light of their untainted direct knowledge throughout the three worlds and are saluted with devotion for this spontaneous compassion. Trikalajna - Those who have the capacity to know past, present and future Directly and without any outside means or method. Sarvajna - Those who directly know every substance from every angle and whose knowledge is all pervading. Sarvadarshi - Those who directly perceive every substance from every angle and whose view and viewpoint are all pervading. Only those great men who are endowed with these seven attributes are the propagators of sarnyak shrut. Their sermons were secured within twelve ganipitaks (boxes of ganadhars, a metaphor for canons). When we think of samyak shrut being in the form of human body these twelve boxes form the twelve main parts of that body. That is why these are also called the twelve Angas (parts). The words of those great men, who absorb this samyak shrut, also become samyak shrut. In this category come the eleven Angas and fourteen purvas of the twelfth Anga. There is a belief that the words of those great men who absorb the eleven Angas and complete ten purvas of the twelfth Anga are also samyak shrut. The words ofthose who know a little less than ten purvas may or may not besamyak shrut. The reason for this is said to be that the knowers of tento fourteen purvas are necessarily samyakdrishti. Those who knowless than this are not necessarily samyakdrishti. This means thateven the mithyadrishti can study up to a little less than ten purvas. MITHYA SHRUT [135] MEANING - Question - What is this mithya shrut? Answer - The scriptures which are conceived by ignorantand mithyadrishti individuals through their intellect and vieware called mithya shrut. For example1.Bharat, 2.Ramayan, 3.Bhimasurokta, 4.Kautilya, 5.Shakatabhadirka, 6. Ghotakamukh, 7.Karpasik, 8. Naag-sukshma, 9.Kanakasaptati 10.Vaisheshik, 11.Buddha vachan, 12. Trairashik, 13.Kapiliya, 14.Lokayat, 15. Shashtitantra, 16.Mathew, Aagam-44 - Nandi Sootra ~115 - Compiled by- Deepratnasagar


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